Chapter Five

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"I know it's your soul,
But could you bottle it up?"
-Sara Bareilles, Bottle It Up

As they were sailing once more in the dark oceans that led to the island of what use to be only fiction Neverland. The crew was hard at work keeping the ship a float from constant brigades brought on by the mermaids. Everyone once and awhile she'd see one and they gave her a wicked glare. Then smiled and returned to the murky black waters. They were free to terrorize those who toke passage in these waters.
As they began their latest assault against them, Killian came to her side. "You should go below desks love." He suggested softly in her ear.
"I can handle myself fine up here." She spate her temper flaring. Since the constant appearance of the mermaids she had felt this anger building in her.
Killian took a few steps back. As the crew began to shout about throwing a net into the depths below. "Swan... Did I do something?"
Now lightening began to crack in the skies above them. Lighting up the dark grey clouds that hung overhead. Her hand clenched into a fist at her side. "You allowed yourself to have feelings." Her anger nearly surprised her but she didn't stop. "I said no strings and you consented and you broke our agreement."
Her words had such venom in them that she could almost see Killian stagger back. The pain was very evident on his face that her words had sliced through him. "Emma. Please you can't honestly say you feel nothing for me."
She narrowed her eyes, but before she had the chance to respond the crew began to yell. Smee ran over to them his dirty red hat bobbing as he went about. "Capt'in we caught one." She watched as Killian eyes widened visibly.
He nodded, "Stay here." He commanded her.
Sticking her chin up defiantly she walked ahead of him following directly behind Smee. The mermaid laid across a brown rope net, her tail looked gold and seemed to hold all the colors in it that were on the rainbow. The brassiere matched her tail. The head was that of which looked human. With long black hair slicked back and matching brown eyes the creatures features were in a scowl until Emma came into view. That same smile went unto the woman's features as the others she'd seen.
But then she continued to struggle. "Let me go!" She shouted angrily. Seashells also were scatter about the net.
The crew only laughed at her struggles, and in some respects that angered Emma. Making her want to defend this mermaid. "Maybe now we can get your friends to leave us be." Suggested one man.
"What issue do you and your friends have with me and my crew? We've sailed through here several times before with no trouble." Killian asked cooly his hand hovering above the sword at his waist.
The woman snarled angrily. Then her eyes went to Emma's. The mermaid raised her chin towards her and the whole crews eyes went to her. She refused to give them satisfaction of making her uncomfortable so she held her gaze on the woman. "You never had a woman aboard your ship. More importantly a broken hearted one." She hissed at the crew.
The crew began to murmur among themselves. "What do you wish with her?" Killian asked his blade now drawn.
Thunder began booming over head and rain began to cascade on top of them. The lady laughed, her lips still curled up into a grin her eyes locked with Emma's. The anger began to turn into rage not only with Killian now but the entire crew. Magic began to work its way into her fingers and she stood defensively in front of the creature. "Your not going to hurt her." The ship was now quite other than the sound of rain, thunder, and the sound of water moving beneath them.
He looked at her stricken, contemplating what he should do. "Emma. Why do you want to protect her?"
"Why shouldn't I." She retorted her anger full in her chest.
"If this is about-"
Emma raised an eyebrow. "Our agreement." She finished cutting him off. "It's more than that. You broke it. I can't stay here anymore!" Upset didn't begin to describe what she felt.
She could feel the mermaid grinning behind her, dark energy influencing her. "Swan-"
"No! Just. Leave me alone. I knew even when we made that deal how it would end."
"Then why did you make it?"
She didn't have a retort to this but felt tears burning behind her eyes threatening to come out at any moment. He knew the truth of it as she did, the truth that scared her to the bones. But as she hesitated she heard a trumpet like noise emerge from behind. Emma turned to look at the mermaid and her smile had widened. "What did you just do?!"
"Im giving you a chance, to be free. Free of this man." She spat the last part at Killian. The ship began to rock once more, quickly everyone ran to the side.
When she heard a splash behind her, she turn to see the woman no longer there. Looking over the edge she saw more mermaids, beckoning her to join them.
"Bloody hell." Emma heard Killian exclaim frustrated somewhere in the crowd.
But she smiled with realization of what the woman had just gifted to her. Placing her hands on the side of the ship, she lifted herself to stand on top of it. Now fully grinning. Preparing to dive into the ranks of these creatures.
"Swan! Don't!" He shouted his voice full of raw emotion. But before he had the chance to stop her she dived off the ship. The waves crashed under her impact. For a seconds everything went dark, bubbles surrounding her in the water. Then suddenly everything began sparkling as her legs mended together to become a fin. Taking off her shirt she saw a matching brassiere. But unlike the woman aboard the Jolly Roger it was just golden. Like as if King Midas had touched it. Looking back in the direction she'd come from, she saw the mermaids once more beckoning her. She swam over to them. The current not resisting her at all for the first time ever in her life.

Author's Note: OMG all the bts photos are amazing!! Jen looks great!! So excited for season five. Please vote and comment! It lets me know is you all are enjoying the story! Thank you so much for reading!! It means more than words can express.

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