Chapter Ten

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"I believe that today its okay to be not okay,
I believe that the words he said are not your grave."
-Christina Perri, I Believe

Days had passed since Emma and Killian's date, and since Killian had opened up to her. Things for once were going smoothly and they were now only a days journey away from the Enchanted Forest. Emma was jumble of emotions; excited, nervous, scared, happy, and most importantly madly in love. It took everything in her to not jump Killian every time she saw him. Trying to concentrate when he was around was nearly impossible. And it seemed that he had the same issues as she did. But didn't have the same restraint.
Like the day before, they'd just entered his quarters (he needed to gather maps and she had volunteered to go and he'd decided to follow) and without really looking at the table swept it clean, lifted her up so that she sat on it and kissed her. It was passionate, with a clash of tung and teeth, it was like an explosion every time. They had no idea how long they'd been locked like that or how long Smee had knocked before he barged in, but it had been awhile. The second Smee had entered the room and seen what they were up to they had both gone red. He raced out as quickly as possible, and Emma had felt like she was about to die of embarrassment.
The entire crew smirked as she entered the room showing they all knew what they'd been up to. Emma the day after hadn't wanted to leave her chambers, eventually forcing Killian to lift her up and forcibly carry her out onto the ship. Despite her being forced she couldn't help but laugh as he did it, because he kept mumbling under his breath about how light she was. And that she had obviously done this on purpose.
Thinking back on those moments made her wonder what was ahead for them. She deeply wished that things could stay this good, but Emma knew better. As much as she'd like to think that everyone will immediately forgive her fleeing the castle she knew better. It had been a selfish thing to do. She knew that, and had know it at that time, but had gone ahead and done it anyway. At the time everything felt as though it were moving too quickly and it was dizzying. Now that she was more adjusted everything felt more stable.
Emma took a deep breath and just fell back on the bed, so that she was staring up at the ceiling. It was dark brown and wooden like the rest of the ship. "Ms. Swan," Emma immediately jumped up instantaneously recognizing whose voice she heard. "My my, you looked quite acquainted with this world now." He looked different here than he had in Storybrook. He looked like the nickname Killian had given him, a crocodile. His skin took a greenish tint and he was dressed almost like some sort of rockstar from the seventies. His eyes were circular and green and his pupils were tiny in comparison.
"What the hell are you doing here!?" Emma shouted.
He giggled with almost what sounded like delight which was infuriating to Emma. "I'd suggest you keep your voice down dearie. Don't want to attract any attention." She scowled at him. He smiled and flashed her with teeth that looked almost rotted out. "I seemed to have notice that you are now involved with this ships captain."
Her mind raced ahead of her, recounting what Killian had told her the other night. He and the dark one had a complicated past. "What of it?" She taunted.
"I know you know of our shared history Ms.Swan no need to play coy with me."
Emma was taken back, he'd been watching them. "What do you want?"
"Oh thats simple. But that will come later. I just wanted to make my presence known." And with that he was gone just as Killian stumbled into the room.
His dark hair nearly touched his eyebrows now, it had grown some since joined his crew. "Swan... Who were you talking to just now?" Killian asked carefully, his blue eyes locked with her green ones.
Something in her told her to not tell him. That there was no need to cause an alarm, in less than a days time they'd be back in her palace and safe. "Myself."
"You talk to yourself?" He asked disbelievingly.
Forcing herself to smile, "I do." And Killian returned the smile.
He came to sit next to her, and wrapped his arm around her, she could feel the cool metal of his hook on her arm. "Well I'm here now, so talk to me." He said with a small smile. She could tell he knew something was wrong and she wanted to tell him. But once again she felt like something was constricting her throat making it impossible for her to do so. "I... I..." She stumbled. "You told me about your past love. I think it's past time I tell you about mine."
Killian looked at her intently. And moved his arm from her shoulder. "The mermaids mentioned that you were broken hearted..." His voice trailed off at the end leaving her to continue.
"I was... am. When I was seventeen, I met this guy. We met an unconventional way, but in any case I went out with him. I fell hard for him of course, it being the first time I'd been in love. Thought- thought that he loved me like I loved him."
"What happened?" Killian asked softly.
Staring behind him she responded. "Turned out he was just using me." Her voice was dry and almost emotionless but tears were forming in her eyes "I paid for his crimes and was pregnant."
At that she saw the understanding in his expression. "You have a child?" He asked. Timidly.
Emma had never mentioned it to him before. It had never come up, and frankly when she thought of Henry she was full of immense guilt. "I do." She began, her eyes now locked with his. "His name is Henry and he's eleven."
Killian looked shocked, "Why didn't-"
Emma held a hand up to stop he from continuing. "Because, I ran away. Away from my own son. From the responsibilities that came along with him. And all I felt when I thought... Think about him is how I've failed him."
At that he wrapped his arm around her once more, pulling her tightly to himself. As tears finally began to roll slowly down her cheeks. "Love, your doing right by him now, by going back now."
She looked up at him thankfully, and then rested her head upon his shoulder. "I should have told you." Emma stated softly. Her voice weak under the current of tears.
Killian smiled weakly. "At least, you have now."

Author's Note: HEY GUYS! Would love to have you guys comment and vote. It helps as far as motivation and knowing if you guys like certain plots.
Also on another note a fanfiction I'm co-writing is now out! It is called Unbroken, and I am really enjoying writing it. The co-writer is GleiaAM and you should check out some of her stuff. It would be wonderful if you all would give it a peek!
Thanks so much guys!!! Much love! Xoxo!

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