Chapter Eight

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"I don't know why but my hands are shaking."
-Bea Miller, Force of Nature

The sun began to rise, sending its first rays of golden sunlight to the rolling currents beyond. The sky above sent grey light down upon them, as the air seem to cling to their skin. For once Killian was the first to awaken; Emma after their passionate reunion, had conjured a blanket with her magic and they both laid beneath it. Her eyes shut and her head laid across his chest, never in his life had he seen anything more perfect. Emma was breathing softly and he could feel her warm breath across his skin. Slowly he got up and slipped on his clothing and began to make fire. Using whatever timber he could fine to do so, and rubbing to rocks together he caused it to ignite.
Then going into the water and using his hook, Killian was able to catch a couple fish and roast them. When Emma's green eyes finally opened and she looked at him, she smiled from ear to ear.

The first thing she'd noticed was the smell, her stomach growled angrily at her. Emma couldn't even remember the last time she'd eaten, possibly more than a day. Everything that had happened except for the moments with Killian were a blur to her. When her eyes open she saw a orange flame reaching up towards the sky. While Killian held two fish over it's furious tips.
She held the blanket two herself, almost unwilling to move she was so comfortable. Emma was at peace watching Killian slave over the fire, his black hair being blown back by small gusts. His face drawn in pure determination, and the fire reflected in his clear steady beautiful blue eye gaze. When he'd finally notice she was awake he grinned at her, his ruby colored lips curving slowly up. It made her heart skitter in her chest, holding the blanket to her self she sat up. Taking the fish off the fire he offered her one and she quickly scooted over to him. Taking it in her heads she happily ate the creature. "I wish I could offer you more." He said staring at her.
She pressed her lips together. "You have already done enough for me. Last night you saved me from spending eternity as a mermaid." Emma bumped her shoulder into his.
He smiled weakly, his gaze focused on the crackling fire before them. The flame no longer being feed was beginning to die now. "True. But you've done more for me."
At that Emma couldn't help but be confused, her eyebrows furrowed together. Her gaze focused on him. "Really? All I did was hijack your ship, beat you at cards, sleep with you and try and kill you." She almost laughed.
"You" Killian began slowly, a smile beginning to work it's way on his features as if he were recalling a distant memory. "Quite possibly saved my life Swan. For so many years I thought I would never be able to get over my first love. My Milah. To believe I was capable of loving someone else. That was until you found your way below my bed." His eyes now found hers.
The way he was open with how he felt always seemed to leave her breathless. He spoke so beautifully, it was like saying 'I love you' without saying it. She didn't know how to respond. Rather Emma laid her head on his shoulder, her blonde hair cascading down his dark clothing. "What do we do now?" She asked trying to change the subject.
"Now..." He said thoughtfully. "I don't know."
"Maybe we should return to the Enchanted Forest. My parents must be worried sick about me."
Killian pulled away from her. "You want to leave my crew?"
"No. No." She could see the concern in his expression. The last thing she wanted was to be separated from him. "But I don't want to hurt them anymore."
Immediately he looked relieved. He held her hand within his own. "What are you going to tell them?"
"I..." She began. "Don't know."
"You got to tell them something."
"I... I know." Emma looked past him to the waters the seemed endless. "But what? That I ran away?" Her voice was growing hoarse as she felt that she may cry. "That's going to hurt them."
Killian gave her a sympathetic squeeze. "But it's the truth."
"For all my life all I had ever wanted was to meet my parents. But when I had found them.."
"They weren't what you expected?" Killian added suggestively.
Emma shook her head. "In the world I come from, theres no dwarves or giants or" her voice became hysterical. "mermaids."
"Ah so no small people then?" Killian laughed.
He manage to get her to smile. "We have small people. Just... Not dwarves." She sniffled.
"Look, love I'm sure your parents will understand. Being honest is always the best route."
Emma gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Okay." But quickly she noticed Killian stiffen and followed his gaze to see the Jolly Roger sailing quickly towards them. "Crap."
"Swan can you magically make your clothes appear on your body?" He asked. They both quickly stood upright.
At that she twirled her hand and a dark leather jacket, brown vest that barley concealed her cleavage, black trousers along with dark boots. Dropping the blanket she allowed Killian to see that her magic had very few limitations.
He grinned at her, his eyes slowly working their way down her body. Taking in the transformation in clothing.
Within seconds the Jolly Roger was docked at the small island that had reunited Emma and Killian. With a small glance towards her he began to make his way towards the ship. Once on board the crew cheered happily that their captain was back with them. But Emma couldn't focus on the small celebration, rather she was looking for words to say to her parents. Luckily she had many days and nights to mull over what and where she should begin. Most of all she was worried about how to explain to Henry that she'd agreed to leave the Enchanted Forest without him.
Everyone was going to hate her, but she hoped that with time that they would forgive her. And if they could forgive her maybe she could then forgive herself also. Because guilt that hung over her seem to be like a weight on her shoulders pulling her towards the ground.

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