Chapter Six

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Fires turn to embers
Embers to ashes
That blow away too soon.
-Carrie Underwood, Wine After Whiskey

Flashbacks are in italics.

Killian at first froze his mind barley able to withstand the sight of his Swan diving into the water. He pushed past of all of his crew so that he could look at the scene below hoping to see her familiar face. These past few weeks she had allowed her walls to come down for him, but as soon as he reached back... She ran. It was as if the possibility of allowing this connection frightened her, as if she'd been hurt in the past.
There were still mermaids wagging warfare against them with no success. Only being a annoyance in their journey and a pest. Suddenly he saw a new head bob up in the water, it took him a moment to recognize her.
Emma's blonde hair was slicked back so that no hair was out of place. Her green eyes did not reach for him rather, she pulled the others below. "Swan!!" He shouted before she too disappeared once more.
At first it looked as though she were going to ignore him, but then her head looked up at him. Her green shinning brightly, her red lips curved up into a smile. Killian could feel her pulling him to join her, but knew this to be one of the mermaids many enchanting capabilities. When he did not jump into the water her smile faded and she slowly went below.
Immediately the captain sprang into action, the sky now clearing. "Take me to the nearest island!" He shouted angrily at them.
A man with light brown hair and dark green eyes spoke up, "Captain docking on an empty island..."
"I said take me. I want the rest of you to get as far from the island as possible." He commanded.
"Do it!" Killian shouted as he took leave to his chambers preparing himself for the adventure the lied ahead. The nearest land was a few days journey. He knew Emma could now travel realms in her form. But also knew the kind of creature she'd become well.
They wouldn't pass up luring a man to his death, especially the captain of the Jolly Roger. They would also have their newest recruit join them.
Killian entered his chambers slamming the wooden door shut, he came to sit on the edge of the bed. Placing his head in his hands he gazed down at the dark floorboards. Trying to grasp not only what he'd just witnessed but also figuring out how to handle Emma in this state.

He and Emma sat in his room, fully clothe but equally entranced by each other. Her blonde hair was tied hastily back, as she tried to pull herself back from her reverie. But she was still lost in retelling her own memory to him.
He placed his hand gently in her own weaving his ring covered fingers through hers. Allowing her to pull strength from him. Her eyes went to his startled by the gesture. But all the same she pressed her hand with his, he could feel her eyes searching his. Looking for insight as to what he was thinking. "Love, tell me on your own time."
She nodded gratefully, she had told him about one of the worst foster parents she'd had. The memory was so painful for her that she'd nearly began to cry. "Thank you."
He smiled softly at her, as she placed her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be." She began. Her tone almost tired. "Thank you." Adding the last bit almost to herself. Like she didn't wish for him to hear it. "For listening." Emma amended. "Your a good friend."
Friend. It surprised him that she would call him a friend considering the relationship was a bit more than friendly. "Anytime." He promised.
But almost suddenly he could feel her body go rigid with tension, it was almost like he could see her walls shoot up. Peeling away from him, she left the room without another word spoken. His eyes held to her until the door closed leaving her out of his sight.

Killian's hand tighten into a ball, frustrated with the fact he could not find a way to get through to her. He stood up and walked to the only window in the room. He couldn't see anything in the murky water no matter how hard he tried. Looking down at his hook, the pain he felt was so similar to the pain he'd felt when he lost his Milah. To the cowardly dark one.
Even though the crocodile had ripped her heart and crushed it in front of him. For centuries he had been the one who'd felt as though his heart was not in his body. Whether from pain or too much rum. It wasn't until his eyes laid upon Emma that he could feel it beating again. Without her here, all he could do was fight the pain away so that he could fight to save her. So that he could prove to her that she had nothing at all to fear from him. To prove to her that he would rather die than to cause her pain.

A few days later they did dock at an small island, his crew offered to join him. He refuse the offer for fear that they would lose their lives. He wasn't sure if Emma would kill him, but he was sure that she'd have no problem killing the men of his crew.
He'd told his right hand man, Smee, that in a days time to come back to the island. If he was still alive he'd be returning with his Swan. But in more probable circumstances he'd be dead. Now standing on the sandy banks he watched as his ship sailed away leaving him to drown in his thoughts.
The sky was now under the cover of night, the stars shine brightly like white dots in a sea of darkness. His surroundings were similar to that of a tropical forest almost. With palm trees and a lot of green growth. Distantly he could hear the sound of birds chirping to one another, along the sound of small animals scurrying about. In the water ahead of him he watched waiting for his Swan to appear.
Resting against a piece of rotting wood, not allowing his eyes to leave the water. Killian's hook laid in his lap and his hand had tight grip around the hilt of the sword. Ready to defend himself at any given moment. Without realizing it he drifted off to sleep.

Emma could feel the pull of a man stranded alone on a island, the pull nearly so strong it almost physically pulled her. A group of mermaids were fiddling with her hair and adding makeup, she pushed past them. Allowing herself to get pulled towards this person.


Author's Note: I hope you guys are enjoying this fanfic!! I really enjoy the feedback I get from y'all. As an aspiring writer it means so much to me that you guys read and enjoy these stories! Anyways just wanted to say you guys make my day! Xoxo!

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