Chapter Twelve

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"If I show it to you now,
Will you run away?
Or will you stay?"
Dark Side, Kelly Clarkson

Within moments Emma had been whisked away by her parents along with Killian into a room. They were over joyed to see her and all she could get out was how sorry she was. But once behind closed doors the tension she had been feeling grew dramatically. Her parents expression were grave as if they were looking upon a martyr. "Mom... Dad? What is it?" She asked.
They did not dare speak what they wished to for fear of lurking ears and prying eyes. "Your actions... They've effected things greatly." Charming said slowly, his words very vague.
"I'm aware. Whatever I have to do to earn back everyone-"
Snow looked very pained as she spoke to her child. "Thats the thing Emma, you should leave."
Tears began welling in her eyes as she looked upon her parents. "You can't possibly mean that." Her voice came out shaky and raw to her own ears.
Snow and David exchanged a quick glance, for they had discussed this bit on their own. To try and make their daughter want to leave once more if she decided to return. But the pain in their daughters face made it impossible for them to continue, so simply they left. Neither one casting a second glance at the shattered daughter they'd created.
Once the door slammed behind her parents Emma crashed to the grounds and unto her knees. The floodgates of tears had opened and began to pour out relentlessly. Killian bent down and held her in a tight embrace in order to comfort her. "This... This isn't like them."
Killian not knowing her parents could not comment on that but he felt her pain. So gathering himself up, he stood anger washing over him. "This isn't right."
This caused Emma to look up at him curiously as tears continued to fall down her face. Quickly he stormed out of the room, causing Emma to rise quickly to her feet and chase after him. As they both raced down the corridor that led to her parents chambers. Which she had no clue how he'd figured that out, she called after him, "Killian please!!! Don't do this!" But her shouts did nothing to deter him as he entered the living space.
At that Emma raced in and placed a hand over his mouth forcing him to silence. She shoot her parents, who stood shocked at the outburst an apologetic look. "Look," Emma said, "I am not leaving. I know thats what your trying to get me to do... But it won't happen. I will prove to you that I can be the daughter you want." At that Emma turned abruptly away. Killian followed suit as she began to head to her old chambers. Once there nothing was a bit out of place. Killian closed the door after he entered the space. Emma turned on him, her face nearly red. "Your an absolute idiot! I truly hope you know that." She spat at him, her eyes narrowed and had red rings around them.
"I'm an idiot? All I did was-" Emma began to grin. Causing him to, to smile. "What Swan?"
She edged towards him and began fiddling with the corners of his leather jacket. Looking down at his buckle. Then up at his blue eyes. "Thank you. But I have to get dressed for dinner tonight."
He tilted his head in a questioning way. "Your changing?"
She rolled her eyes. "I am going to make damn good on that promise."
"Oh. Well Swan... Undress." He said with a grin.
Emma shared the smile he adorned and threw off her jacket her eyes not leaving his. But when she noticed a red gleam of an apple her eyes went to it. Widening, she looked at the object. "Killian."
"Yes love?" Her eyes met his again.
"I need you to get out of the room." Her voice taught. As if the apple were an explosive device. He looked ready to protest but he knew this attitude there would be no talking her out of it.
Wordlessly he left her chambers. Instantly with him out of site she went towards the ruby red fruit. Took it in her hands and stared at it for a moment. Then she felt eyes on her from her window and her eyes saw the reptilian looking Rumplestilskin sitting there.  Emma almost jumped in surprise. "I'm guessing you have something to do with this?" She raised the apple as if she were offering it to him.
He smiled at her. "I did dearie... Or do you prefer love?"
"What" Emma asked exasperatedly, "do you want from me?" She felt loss of energy to play his games after the go of her reuniting with her love ones.
He giggled with delight, and in a way that you knew he had some evil idea wormed in that head of his. "Simply for you to take a bite of that fruit."
"Right. Let me guess I'll fall under a sleeping curse like my mother and it'll be your way of payback on Killian." Emma said with a slight smile.
"Oh no. You couldn't be more wrong. You take a bite of that fruit, your darkest desires will be profiled."
She looked at him in confusion. "How does the benefit you?"
"It also will give you the ability to look at things more... clearly." He said briskly, as if he were hiding something beneath those words. "But to answer your question. Ill do that after you take a bite of what is known in this world as the Forbidden Fruit."
"The fruit of wisdom." Emma remarked. Thoughtfully she stared at the object in her hands. "Your holding back."
"I can tell Ms.Swan, as I told you once a desperate soul when I see one. I am offering you a solution to your problems."
At this Emma got up and walked over to him. "Everything with you comes at a price."
"True. Ms.Swan have you ever considered that there is more to magic than what you know?"
"Quit with the questioning." Emma said frustrated.
At that the reptile man threw her against a wall and had her pinned there with magic. She struggled with all her might against the invisible force, but it was of no use. He stroked her blonde hair away from her face, his hands leathery feeling to her cheek. "This apple also opens your heart to great darkness. And can kill your ability to love."
"Thats what this is!! You want me to eat this to make Killian suffer!" Emma shouted. "I won't do it."
"Before your so quick to make that decision, I must tell you, you will be killing your son."
"What?!" Emma asked flabbergasted.
"It's a little insurance policy. Wanted to make sure everything went according to plan."
"Your an evil, vile man." She hissed viciously as tears builded in her eyes.
"And soon Ms. Swan you will be equally as such." He said with a grin and turned to pick the apple she dropped off the floor. He rubbed it with his shirt, polishing the cursed fruit. "I must say though, you have put up a viliant effort trying to be good and resist temptation, but I think it's past time for you to walk on the dark side. Wouldn't you say?"
At that he held the red apple to her lips as she was still restrained to the wall. Her eyes glared at him, almost trying to destroy him with a look. Part of her wanted to beg and plead with him not to do this to her... But she knew that no matter her efforts it would be a pointless game. So with extreme pain and cool understanding that she was left with no other choice, her teeth clenched the object. Taking a bite of the sweet fruit juices. And all at once the magic that had been holding her let her go as she fell to the floor. Writhing in pain as the power of the fruit coursed through her body. As she looked up at Rumplestilskin her eyes entirely changed for a moment to complete liquid black. And then they returned to their natural color. Rumplestilskin offered a hand to her as now the process was complete, she looked at it for a moment. "Why shouldn't I kill you?" Emma asked him as she took the hand and lifted herself from the ground.
"Because you need me." He smiled at her charismatically. "And if you kill me while under the apples influence you will die too."

Author's Note: HI ALL!!! So I am going back in school this week which will make it a tad harder to update as quickly!!! Sorry about that! Don't forget to check out my co-written fanfiction Unbroken!! But thanks all for reading and let me know what you think of the latest chapters!! Mwah!

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