Chapter Fifteen

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The air blew loftily over the yellowing grass that surrounded the grey stone castle. Killian continued his pace, his own heart beat racing in his ears filling the growing silence. But before he even had the chance to go in the castle, he saw her. She was dressed differently than she had been the last time that he'd seen her. Standing in the middle of the field between he and the castle in what only could be described as battle gear, he could see that Emma was not herself. "Captain." Her voice rang loudly in his mind, by magic. Her eyes glowed green, enchanting him. Now his footsteps were not under his own control. Rather he could see the glow of magic surrounding him. 

"Swan. Love. Please." He begged, hoping to pull her out of the influence of the apple. But now standing only a few feet, Killian knew it would be useless. 

Her eyes still glowing, "I guess you know of my intentions." Despite the statement she still continued. "I intend to cast the dark curse, so that I can finally return to my world. That requires-"

"The heart of the thing you love most." He finished his voice barley audible. "I see."

A wicked smile worked it's way onto her face as her hand went into his chest, surrounding his still beating heart. His head now tilted down so that his lips skimmed her ear. Emma's grip was tightening, painfully around his heart. Killian knew that he was now taking his last breaths. "I love you." 

Then her grip crushed it into dust, sending him collapsing to the ground. Immediately the enchantment that had hold over Emma, vanished. Her eyes grew wide with fear, and panic. Crashing to the ground tears filling her eyes, as clouds full of magic for her curse began to fill the clouds above. A swoosh of magic, caused her to look to her right, as she cradled Killian's head in her lap. 

Standing there smiling, was Rumple. She wanted to murder him, more than anything. "Why?" Emma cried. "What did I ever do-"

"You did nothing. Your relationship with him though, couldn't continue. He needed to die at your hand." With that Rumple was gone once more, and Emma pressed her face onto Killian's chest. 

Tears falling from her eyes landing on his chest. "I love you. Please... Please... Please... Come back to me." She begged his corpse. 

"Swan?" It was Regina, knelt down next to her staring at the scene. "What did you do?"

"The apple. It was Rumple." Regina's eyes filled with realization. 

"Rumplestilskin." She hissed venomously.

Emma looked at her pleadingly. "There has to be something we can do! It can't end like this."

Regina's expression filled with sympathy. "Emma." 

Now all she could do was stare at her pirate, brushing his dark hair away from his face. Sticking her own hand in her chest she surrounded her own heart and withdrew it. It glowed brightly in the ever growing darkness. "I have to try something." She whispered, now both hands on the heart.

"There's no guarantee that will work. It may just kill you too. Think about-"

Emma looked at her, in her eyes Regina recognized the look of absolute pain and horror. The person who'd be left after the death of her love would only be a shell of the woman she once was. "Henry has you. He'll survive." Now she focused her attention on her own heart, closing her eyes she was able to break it in half. The pain was almost unbearable and Emma screamed. 

But still, she took the half of her heart and placed it into Killian's chest. At first nothing happened. "No.." Emma gasped. But then color began returning to his face, and he gasped. His blue eyes opening. 

"How-" He began to ask, but Emma quickly began hugging him. His arms went around her slowly. "Swan. I'm here." His voice cracked with emotion, as tears began to work down his face. "I'm okay."

Pulling away she looked at him, there was so much guilt in them, Killian could feel it himself. "I... I killed you."

"That you did love." He said with a smile as she began to stop crying. "But you also saved me."

"As touching as this is..." Regina chimed in, both Killian and Emma moved to stand up to look at her. "We have an oncoming curse in our midst." 

"Is there a way to stop it?" Emma asked. 

But before Regina had the chance to answer, the curse was over top them. Emma's green eyes went to meet Killian's there hands locked together. Just as the dark curse took them, Emma was fully wrapped in Killian's embrace. She knew somehow, someway everything was going to be okay.

Author's Note: Hey all!!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!!! Please let me know what you think, and it is a bit shorter than normal, but the next chapter will be longer! Thanks guys so much for continuing to read!

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