Chapter Thirteen

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The pain was indescribable even as Emma regained her composure and stood. She could still feel the fruit taking effect on her, burning her insides and rotting them out. But as it began to take effect she could see things more clearly, her surroundings more crisp. "Ms. Swan," Rumple beckoned with his usual dark charisma. "For now you must do your best to act normally."
"What plan do you have inside that brain of yours?" She asked her eyes narrowing speaking with some difficulty as she tried to keep her voice steady.
He grinned at her coyly. And she thought she could almost hear the wheels turning in his head. "Goodbye Ms.Swan."
And with that as she began to build up magic to keep him from leaving, he was gone.

That night dinner had come by fast, Emma weakened to the point of exhaustion had allowed herself to sleep. By the time she heard knocking at her bedroom door, she'd fallen into the power of the cursed apple and her eyes popped open. "Emma, love open up it's time for dinner." She recognized the accented masculine voice almost immediately.  Getting up from her bed, covered with a light pink comforter, she stared at herself momentarily. Rather than the surge of warmth and love she normally felt when she heard Killian's voice it was annoyance. That annoyance quickly turning into something more bitter and foul: a bubbling dark rage. Despite the evil imps advice she threw her door ajar and pulled Killian within her room. He was taken back momentarily by the action but his expression smoothed over quickly. "Earlier, why did you rush me out of the room?"

A bitter taste filled her mouth. "Hook." He was a bit taken back by the reference of the name. "I want you to leave."

He tried to grab her hands but she quickly jerked them away and he began to look at her skeptically. Almost trying to make sure she was still the same person, this was a completely different attitude than the one she had earlier in the day. "You can't possible mean that." He scoffed almost laughing at the insanity of what was happening before him.

"Oh," Emma said with a sly grin. Her eyes like a snakes just as it's about ready to go in for the kill. "but you see I do. This, my parents rejecting me like they have been, is your fault. None of this would've happen if not for you."

Each word seemed to cut him beneath his skin like a blade, he pushed back tears. "Swan-" He tried.

"Your not to call me that. You have three minutes to get out of the castle before I call the guards. From now on you'll only know me as a ruler of this realm. You will not breath word of our shared relationship with any soul or I swear I'll rip your heart from you chest and crush it in front of you." Her words came out viciously almost as if the were laced with venom. 

Already beginning to back away from her, Killian's head was bent down some. "You already have." His voice rang out horsily. Then the door slammed shut as he went of her chambers, tears filling his eyes.

Emma kept her eyes trained on the arched doorway, the ash wood boards accented by black painted metal for the knobs. Then she heard an all too familiar mischievous giggle echo from behind her. Spinning on her heel she turned to face him resting on her window seat with all but obvious smile. "What do you want?" She snipped. 

"What I would like from you Ms.Swan, is to take us all back to Storybrook." His smile was widening further by the second.

Emma furrowed her blonde eyebrows together in confusion. "Thats not possible. Not without-"

"Exactly." Rumplestilskin completed the strands of thought for her. "You read the book, you know what to do. Too bad you just casted away that pirate, it would make things much easier. Despite what you may believe, his heart is the one you need for the curse."

She stared at him obviously flabbergasted and frustrated, because had he told her this to begin with it would've made things much easier. "Why do you want to go back so badly?"

"Thats personal information, just do your part. Either way you still end up back where you want to be." With that the Dark One disappeared into air. Leaving a rather confused and frustrated Emma fuming. 

Killian sat at a wooden bench overlooking the docks, the water was the opposite of the way he felt. It was calm, no real waves to be seen in it's murky blue green water. The full moon reflected clearly on it's center, uninterrupted by movement. The air that surrounded him was warm and thick nearly he felt as though that it stuck to his skin, the noise of crickets was all he could hear. Bending down he picked up a rock next to the bench and hurled it at the water, disrupting it's calm surface. When this action did nothing to elevate his pain he threw another, and another, and another. 

"Be careful dearie" Before Rumple had even had the chance to finish his witty remark Killian had stood up right and faced his left the direction Rumple was standing to face him. "don't wan't you to hurt yourself." There was a coyness about Rumple, and a sparking tension filling the air between the two men.

With no blade with him, Killian uncomfortably vulnerable against the Crocodiles presence. "What do you want Crocodile?"

In his normal all sparkly green earthy leather material he began to pace about. "Well I only want to tell you the truth about your beloved."

This of coarse caught Killian's attention, making him wish desperately he had a sword to hold to the Dark One's neck forcing him to share his knowledge. "Speak quickly. I fear my patience is very slim tonight."

Rumple giggled maliciously. "I paid her a visit once aboard your ship and twice today. I left a present with her family to give to her, and gave her ultimatum. Chose her soul or her son. You pirate can guess which she chose. The present once in her system, rots out her heart. Making it almost incapable of love."

"You-" Killian began to snarl.

"Uh uh uh. Thats not all." Rumple said with some delight. "With each passing day, it's effects will worsen. Making her crueler and more malicious eventually she'll be fully consumed in the darkness with no way to save her."

"There's a way to save her?" he asked unsteadily almost afraid to have hope. 

Rumple smiled, a evil grin from ear to ear. He set the game up and was always two steps ahead making it impossible to beat him. "Yes. For her to be saved, she needs to rip out your heart and crush it."

Killian almost staggered back, but he knew already what he was going to do. "Theres no other way." He didn't phrase it as a question because he already knew the answer. No.

"She will do it. Her intention as of now is to cast the dark curse that once pulled us all away from here, and I made sure to mention the heart she needed was yours." 

"Why do this? I get making me suffer but if this is to reverse what spell she is under; it will cause Emma more pain than I." Killian asked his voice shallow in the night air and as he talked his breath created small white puffs in the dark air.

Rumple rubbed his hands together excitedly. "Because you'll be the one causing this pain, and you will leave the world knowing you caused the person you love most, the most pain."

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long for me to publish this!!! I did the chapter a bit differently as far as layout, so I hope that is okay! Please let me know what you think of what's going on and star! Love to have some feedback! Xoxo!

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