Chapter One

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"Caught in the middle of a crossfire
Lost my balance on a high wire"
Tyrone Wells from Sink or Swim

Emma stuck out her chin defiantly, refusing to give the man who she'd guessed to be Captain Hook from Peter Pan at this point the satisfaction of humiliating her further. He yanked hard on her blond hair. "I was just curious, no one was around I just wanted to look at it." Emma yelped due to the severity of the pain of pulling her hair caused.
The man raised a single dark eyebrow questioning her reply. He let go of her hair and held his blade under her chin directing it's tip at her throat. "And why shouldn't I kill you?" He asked.
Emma looked at him from her place at the edge of the blade, "Because..." She stumbled trying to think of an excuse for the man not to kill her.
He chuckled at her lack of response to what probably should've been a simple question to answer. "You have a death wish, love." He began lowering his blade so that it was still aimed at her throat but her eyes were level with his. "That is the only reason after seeing my sail you would continue looking about. Or.." He amended. "You have no brain."
"I have a brain as well a name." Emma told him irritated. The ship continued to move, worring Emma, any hope of escape was becoming less and less by the second. "Emma. Emma Swan."
His eyes widened and he grinned. "Your the princess. The one who saved everyone." He did a mocking curtsey.
"I'm sure my parents would reward you greatly for my safe return." She said, hoping he would take the bait.
His expression became thoughtful for a moment, "Aren't you able to wield magic?"
She'd almost forgotten about that. She could've just teleported herself off the ship, and she still could. But why didn't she want to? "I can."
He moved his sword away. "You could just teleport away then. No need to indulge me any longer Swan." Her hesitation made him grin. "I was right. Your unhappy in your palace."
"I should go." She said ignoring the statement.
"But you don't want to. How about this..." He began. "How about we help each other?"
Emma narrowed her eyes cautiously. "Why are you so certain I'd help you?"
"Because you haven't teleported away yet with that magic of yours. Plus your somewhat of an open book."
Emma raised her eyebrows, "Am I?".
"You want adventure and to try something new and different. And in these last few moments its the most alive you've felt in a while."
Emma was startled by how spot on the analysis of her was. But determined not to show it, she pressed on "So whats the deal?"
"I am looking for a way to get revenge on an old enemy of mine. A bloody crocodile. The same one that took my hand. And something tells me your the way to do it." The man stated, Emma could tell he wasn't talking about an actual crocodile but a person.
"I've yet to hear how this would benefit me." A deal typically initiates that both people get something they want.
"You get to stay aboard my ship. Rather than me just going back to the Enchanted Forest and dropping you on the palaces front steps." With that he arched his eyebrow again showing he awaited a response.
"Deal." Emma thought for a moment. "Now do I get a name?" She said smiling tilting her head slightly to the side.
"Killian Jones, although most people have taken to calling me by my more colorful moniker Hook." He smiled with pride at the name.
"Captain Hook?" She asked in disbelief despite the fact she had already guessed it.
He smiled once more at her. "So you've heard of me?"
"You could say that." Emma said with a smirk thinking of the cartoon Hook from her childhood. The one that had black curly hair and a wax mustache. She sat down on the edge of the bed, gazing about the room to see no decorations or anything about it. It reminded her of the apartment she had before coming to Storybrook. A place to eat, and sleep but nothing more than that. All the wood in the room was dark, making it almost feel like it was midnight. Hook stood there awkwardly watching her, his eyes latched onto her. "So where shall I stay?"
It took him a moment to gather what she was referring to then he grinned. "I'm afraid lass that all of the chambers aboard my ship are full. Which means you'll be sharing my space for a while."
Emma didn't like the idea of living in such close quarters with a pirate for whom she had no idea what he was capable of. "Is there no where else?"
"I'm afraid not Princess."
The term princess put a bitter taste in her mouth. "Don't call me that." She spat at him, irritated by the pet name.
Hook chuckled to himself, "What? Princess?" He paused and stuck his hand under her chin. "Thats what you are."
Emma pushed his hand away. "Theres more to me than that."
He looked at her curiously for a moment. "I don't doubt it." Emma was taken back by the comment, briefly it seemed that he'd shown somewhat of a man beneath the pirate. "Now while aboard my ship you'll refer to me as-"
"Captain." Emma said doing a mock solute with two fingers to her forehead. She grinned at him, due to the obvious fact that she was irritating him.
He narrowed his eyes at her, and once again placed the blade of his sword under her chin. "Yes. And you'll follow the same rules as my crew or-"
Once again she cut him off, almost laughing this time "I'll walk the plank?"
"If you keep cutting me off Swan..." He began to threaten her and she simply enjoyed the game they were playing.
"You'll do what?" Emma asked pretending to be frighten.
The Captain moved the blade down from her throat so that it cut into her top. Only a few inches but just enough to get his message across. Aboard his ship she was just another member of his crew, and so he could do what he wished with her. "Now change clothes." He commanded her sternly.
She gulped nervously, no longer winning the game she got up from the bed. "Into what?"
Hook moved to one of the closed doors in the room opening it to reveal woman's clothing. He put the blade away, and gestured for her to look at the clothes.
"Any reason for the stalk of woman clothes Captain?" She asked shooting a quick glance at him standing in the corner. He didn't respond to her taunt and so she went through the closet finding a blue vest and matching blue pants and a off white shirt to go underneath. "Will you at least let me change in privacy?"
"Theres a bathroom with a door, change in there." He commanded her, his voice cold as if she were just a deck hand. Emma took the clothing and went off to the bathroom and changed into it. There was even a belt to hold a blade if need be.
When she stepped back out into the room, Hook's eyes slowly grassed over her. He licked his bottom lip slowly. "I must say, your gonna make one hell of a pirate."
Emma grinned at the statement. "Any chance you've got a spare sword lying around?" She asked. Hook grimaced for a moment and went back to the closet and drew a sword from it. He threw it to her. Quickly Emma placed it in her belt. "All this stuff... Who did it belong to?"
She could tell that she had crossed a line because Hook's expression filled with red hot anger. "Someone... Who meant a lot to me."

Authors Note: Please comment and vote, helps me know if you guys are enjoying the story! Thank you so much for reading, more adventures are heading Emma and Hook's way!

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