Chapter Three

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"Hearing the song in your laughter
A melody I chase after" -Tyrone Wells from Sink or Swim

---Smut Warning---

That morning, Emma had of course woken up first. To her surprise Hook's arm was around her, she hoped that he was a deep sleeper as she peeled it off her. She crept into the closet looking at it picked out what she'd where tonight. Knowing well that it would be a very uncomfortable but in order to fit in at the tavern it would be needed. Considering there was nothing she needed to do at this time, she went to the desk and began to organize the papers.
Emma looked over at the sleeping pirate, he looked peaceful like this as if he were a young child. Getting up from the desk chair she went to lay next to him in the bed. Gazing loftily at him. She stroked his hair back away from his face delicately. He became agitated and she immediately jumped off the bed and returned to the papers and continued to organize them.

Later on that same day, the ship had docked in the harbor of some distant land halfway through the day. But the crew didn't leave the ship until the moon was hanging above the Jolly Roger. Hook had gotten dressed and was ready to leave for the tavern.
Emma had continued organizing the papers and acting as though she had no intention of joining everyone else. "So Swan, the taverns too much for you?" He asked with an arched eyebrow finishing up getting clothed.
She turned in her chair to look at him. "Afraid so." Ready to get back to work her eyes greeted yet another stack of papers.
He made a tsking noise at her. "Too bad."
Emma smiled and turned once more in her chair to look at the pirate. "You almost sound disappointed." She teased him.
He straightened himself at that comment. "Not at all. Just means I don't have to look out for you."
She rolled her eyes. "Like I need you to look out for me."
"Well it doesn't matter. I suggest you sleep alone tonight, more than likely I won't be returning home alone." And with that the Captain left the room leaving Emma to her paper work.
Waiting a few moments to be certain he wasn't going to return, she raced to the closet and got out a brown corset dress. The bottom of it was red, brown, yellowish color.
Tying up the corset she sucked in a deep breath. It was quite an uncomfortable contraption she thought, it nearly winded her wearing. But now fully dressed, she prepared to leave the ship.

When Emma entered the Tavern her eyes were overtaken with the ongoings within it. Her eyes traced over the scene. Several men were gambling and even more were drinking more than there share. When her eyes skirted across Hook's his mouth was agape, blue eyes wide. The brown haired woman sitting on his lap followed his gaze to Emma and gave her a heated glance.
Hook got up from his place casting the woman from his side. She sneered as she got up and moved onto another man at his table. "Swan." He gasped.
She couldn't help but smile. "Hello, Captain." She regarded him. Everyone's eyes in the bar were now on them. Interested in what the story was between the ruthless captain and the bar wench.
"I thought you weren't coming." He said as he stared at her chest and then darted his eyes back up to her face.
She smiled at him. And looked at the bar tender serving up all kinds of intoxicating beverages. "I needed a drink."
He gestured for her to join him where cards were strewn about the table. Along with shot glasses. Hook had a glint in his eye she couldn't read but she felt pulled towards him. In a way that she'd never felt before. She walked over to his table and he followed behind her. The boys at the table cheered as she sat down and Hook sat beside her. "Deal her in." He commanded. The men gave him a look but they listen to the captain, considering the way the cards were strewn about the table she assumed they were playing black jack. "What do you want to drink?" Hook whispered huskily in her ear the deep rich smell of rum heavy in his breath.
Looking at her cards first, she smiled and whispered back to him. "The same as you." At that he filled the glass in front of her with a warm brown liquid, in a matter of seconds she gulped the beverage. All the men at the table gave her an appreciative glance. After about her fourth she could began to feel the beverages effects.
No matter what she did, she couldn't control her laughter. The man at her other side began to flirt with her. "Your quite a woman." He said dealing in his chips.
Emma smirked at the compliment, as she tapped the table to gesture to the dealer to add a card. A perfect 21. She placed all of her chips in. "I think the lady has had too much to drink." One of the men said.
Hook challenged her placing all of his chips in as well and the men cheered. When time to reveal their cards they both had 21. So they dueled it out of the win. Looking at her two cards she had two tens. Twenty. She gestured that she would hold. So did he.
When time came to reveal he had nineteen, while she had twenty. She smirked as she took her winnings. Also downing her fifth shot of rum. "Thats a first Captain." Said the dealer. As everyone cleared out. The tavern was near empty now.
The man next to Emma leaned in, "Lets get out of here." He whispered. But her eyes of coarse went to the dark haired man who ship she'd taken passage on. He got up from the table too now.
If she was going to take the man up on his offer or chase down a dead end with Hook she'd have to decide now. "I'm afraid not." She said quietly but still Hook had managed to hear it and turned to look at her.
The man became angry and fled the tavern shoving pass Hook. Emma stood up taking her winnings and placing them in her pocket. Moving slowly towards him there eyes locked, both severely intoxicated. "Your bloody brilliant Swan."
She smiled at the compliment. "What do you say we head back to the ship?" Emma asked carefully.
"Lead the way." He commanded her.
Once back aboard the ship and after stumbling down the stairs they entered their shared chambers.
"What happened to bringing someone home?" Emma asked her face just a few inches from his. His pupils were clearly dilated from the rum.
He smirked dangerously at her. She knew if anything were to happen right now that she wouldn't stop it. "I did." And with that he kissed her, it was hard and she could taste the beverage on his lips and in his mouth. It was almost as if she was becoming more intoxicated by his touch. Hook slammed the door shut with his foot and began discarding his clothes on the floor. Beginning to undo the corset, "Let me." He commanded and her hands fell to her side as he took his blade and slice through the constraints. Her corset fell to the floor beside his clothes. They continue this until her clothes were completely off.
They both fell onto the bed laughing in between kisses. Hot, hard, passionate kisses.

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