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"When it's your turn, state your first and last name and say something about yourself. As an example I'll start us off. My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!"

Mr.Walter started to go through introductions.

"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs."

The red headed girl showed no interest in being here, nor in the introductions.

"I'm Aiden Clark, I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-"

A blond kid started to listen off different things, 'He must like thrillers.' I thought turning my attention to the next person. A boy named Ben just had his head on his desk and didn't speak.

"Hello, I-the-uh Logan Fields. I mean I'm Logan .... I um, enjoy astrology."

A boy with glasses said nervously, trying to keep it together.

"I'm Taylor Hernandez! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance."

The girl who was late to class waved at everyone .

"I'm Tyler Hernandez, yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club."

He said in a monotone voice. 'He must be a joy to be around.' I thought sarcastically as I introduced myself.

"Hi I'm y/n l/n, I can play piano and I enjoy baking."

I have everyone a quick smile and say back down. Introductions continued as everyone went around introducing themselves and a fun fact .

"Alright now that introductions are done, let's talk about the semester-long group project!"

The teacher announced making part of the class groan.

"Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the project and each group should consist of seven people each. Oh, and no one will be allowed to work alone."

Once the teacher finished talking everyone got up and started to look around for groups.

"The rest of the class will be about the project, so go ahead and sit wherever you want with your group for today."

I look up and saw the guy whose name was Aiden wave over to me to join their group. I shrugged and brought my desk over sitting in between Logan and Tyler, I was their seventh member.

"This is also what your project will be about and the topics you'll choose to present on are stated in your rubric. Additionally, there is an overnight field trip to go along with the project!"

The classroom filled with excited whispers, everyone happy and field trip was part of the very long project.

"Of course it's optional, however those who attend can get extra credit for your individual grade. If you are interested, the permission slips are on my desk and include everything you'll need to know. For the rest of the period, please choose what topic your group would like to present on. You've got twenty-five minutes so spend it wisely."

We all ended up discussing what topic to do as I just stared out the window. I wasn't really interested in this project, I was just doing it for the class. Aiden made a group chat with everyone in it so it would be easier to work together. Once the dismissal bell went off I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag.

"Don't forget to have the slips signed and bring them back on Monday!"

The teacher handed out the permission slips, I grabbed one and headed out the room ready to go home.

Once I made it back home I laid my stuff on the floor of my room and laid on my bed. The first day of school is always boring since it is just introductions over and over again, I sent a quick text to my dad saying I was home and went downstairs to the piano.

I practiced a bit before my dad came home. When I saw him walk through the door a smile lit up on my face, I quickly stood up and wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug.

"How was your first day of school champ?"

He asked rubbing my head which messed up my hair.

"It was meh, we got a project that has an overnight field trip."

I said putting my hair back into place.

"Where's the trip to?"


I said to him as he froze.

"Honey you know what happened last time we went there."

His voice lowered as he spoke.

"Yes I know but it won't happen again I promise. I'll be okay, I get extra credit too. I'll probably need that."

He thought about it for a moment, a sigh escaping his mouth.

"I'll let you go but you better text me everything that happens, I don't want any secrets."

I smiled at him pulling him into another hug,

"I promise I will. I'm in a group so I won't be alone I promise."

He smiled back at me as he nodded,

"Okay, how about for dinner we make a bunch of finger foods and watch a movie?"

"I'm okay with that!"

He sat his work bag onto the table, his hand going to my head again ruffling the hair.

"You go choose a movie and I'll make the food."

He went off into the kitchen gathering food while I went into the living room, I sat blankets and pillows on the couch before choosing a movie. After we finished the movie I noticed my dad asleep beside me. I smiled grabbing  our plates and putting them in the sink, I turned off the tv and put a blanket over my dad.

I made my way up stairs to my room and shut my doors. Pulling the permission slip out of my bag and put it on my desk for my dad to sign. I let out a sigh,

"This trip better be worth it."


"Hey get your own!"

I heard Tyler yell to his sister arguing over something, I stood beside them a yawn escaping my mouth prepared to leave for the trip.

"But I left mine at home, please Ty!"


He argued with her, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket from a notification. I took it out a saw a message from my dad, I clicked onto the messages app and saw the message.

Be safe, please. Don't wonder off alone and stay with your room. Text me before you go to bed, I love you be safe.

Of course,
I promise nothing will happen to me :)

"Alright, everyone start filing onto the bus. We're getting ready to leave for Savannah in T minus five!"

Mr.Walter said, everyone making their way onto the bus.

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