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We all sprint for Ashlyn's house as phantoms chased us down the lawn.


Tyler noticed the trap we set up not working yet.

"It's okay, it'll work. Just keep running."

My legs moved faster trying to make it to the jeep, lights flicked on flashing the phantoms as they all screamed with pain.

"It worked! We're not going to die!"

Taylor said relieved.

"Told you."

Ashlyn pulled the door handle to the jeep but it wouldn't budge, she tried again this time harder but it still would open.

"It's locked?!"

Her face turned pale as she looked at the handle.

"I thought you said you made sure it was unlocked with the keys inside?!"

Tyler said worried while the phantoms started to come towards us again.

"I did! One of my parents must have grabbed it or something!"

Everyone started to argue and freak out because the jeep was locked, I picked up my walkie talkie and voiced over Logan.

"Logan, we can't find the keys! Stay there, we're gonna run in the house and get them!"

"I thought Ashlyn put them in the jeep.."

he called back to me.

"She did. Just stay there and keep watch!"

I quickly put the walkie talkie back into my belt and looked at the group.

"Come on, we're not gonna accomplish anything from staying out here!"

Everyone ran inside the house trying to get in as fast as we could. Tyler and Taylor were ahead of me as Ben had already made his way up the stairs.


We heard Aiden yell loudly as we looked towards the door.

"What the-"

Tyler started to say but his sister cut him off.

"I'll go check."

"No! I'll go you guys go look for the key."

I said making my way back outside, I looked through the doorway to see Aiden hanging from the roof trying to climb it.

"What are you doing?!"

I yelled looking at Aiden's feet.

"Help me get up here! Now!"

I looked up at him in confusion before Tyler came running out the door.

"What is going on?!"

He yelled to the two of us.

"A phantom stole Ashlyn and I'm gonna get her back."

Aiden still struggled onto the roof, I felt a hand under my arm grab me, thinking it was Tyler I turned back to try and get him to help but instead I was met with white, soulless eyes. I panicked and tried to trash around but it had its hold on me picking me up from the porch.

I hooked my ankle into the railing to try and stay down,

"Tyler help!"

I screamed out getting his and Aiden's attention. Aiden got down from the roof for a second and grabbed onto one of my arms while Tyler grabbed the other. The phantoms hold on me was too strong, its force pulled me out of their grasps and brought me into the room.

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