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"Alright let's go over tue plan one more time."

Ashlyn had her arms crossed as we got down from the wall. I climbed down the latter, Aiden jumping off the bus next to me. We all gathered around in a circle before Taylor spoke up.

"Um... are we uh are we sure we want to do this?"

Her voice trembled as she held herself.


Ashlyn looked at her stunned on why she asked that.

"I mean y'know, maybe just staying in the graveyard every night wouldn't be...so bad, right? Especially with the lights up...couldn't we just hide in here? Till the seven hours are up?"

"I like that idea..."

Logan agreed with her having second thoughts on our whole plan.

"Are you serious...?"

Ashlyn asked Taylor again.

"I thought you guys wanted out of here? And now you're saying you don't mind being trapped here for the rest of our lives?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on Ashlyn.

"And you- why are you being so quiet?"

She asked Tyler.

"You're the one who pitched a fit wanting to go to Savannah, so why are you so passive about it right now?"

"That was before we knew about the lights and before there was a horde of those things right outside our door. I'm not saying we should stop trying to find a way out- just maybe not with this particular plan. We don't even really need guns anymore, right?"

Ashlyn pushed her hair out of her face in frustration.

"And you choose to bring this up now?!"

"Ashlyn I think we-"

I tried to calm her down but she cut me off.

"After all this prepping, the training, the sneaking around placing traps and right before we actually do something, you want to back out?"

"There's too many right now!"

Tyler yelled back at her.

"That's why we have traps!"

I now was second guessing our plan. What happens if everyone gets hurt or worse one of us dies?!

"No..No! I'm getting that jeep. Even if we decide we don't need guns, eventually we'll need to get out of there and learn how this place works so we can find a way out! That was what we agreed on!"

"Hey ash, maybe you should-"

Aiden tried to calm her down but she also cut him off.

"Don't tell me what I should do! If you hadn't been so persistent in bothering me, I never would have gone to Savannah and none of this would have happened! You keep pushing my boundaries and I'm tired of it!"

I blocked everyone yelling out, I was getting frustrated with the situation so I just decided to walk away. It was the best bet so I didn't end up lashing out on everyone. I walked to the back of an empty bus and sat down on the floor with my head in my hands.

A bunch of high schoolers should never have to live through this so why didn't have to be us who got chosen to live through this? The yelling died now in the background now it was just distant mumbles.

A few minutes later Tyler walked into the bus and sat down next to me.


he mumbled quietly.

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