I looked at the mediocre TV in the corner of the room, a kids show playing to try and earn my interest. The doctors haven't found anything, which I'm not surprised because I'm not broken here, but I was still hoping they would've found something we didn't.
I have been here all night and now it's probably around mid-day, late-morning. Ashlyn texted me early saying that the group was going to go to the school and try to find the keys from coach or something like that, the medicine has been running through my 24/7 was making me woozy.
I looked back up at the screen watching the show, my eyes grew heavy so I decided to shut them, not realizing I was so tired I fell asleep.
Later on I woke up again, this time to a shuffle in the room. My eyes drifted to a nurse pushing medicine into one of my IV's, a needle pushing an unknown liquid into it.
"Didn't mean to wake you, just gotta give you more pain relief."
The voice sounded familiar making my eyes drift up and to mg surprise it was the same women who gave us a tour of the Sorrel Weed House in Savannah, the same one who got us into this mess. Before I could protest my eyes grew heavy again and shut sending me into a deep sleep.
I was sitting in the living room, Tyler by my side as we watched TV. Everything was perfect, some snacks scattered the table, his arm was around his should as we shared a blanket, and it was so peaceful. Maybe a little too peaceful but who cares, I'm getting a break.
I close my eyes for a second just to open them to a different atmosphere, I was in the bus back at Savannah, it was cold and dark. I stood up and walked outside the bus to spot Tyler on the side walk, staring off into the distance.
"Tyler? What are you looking at?"
I called out to him but he didn't move, I continued to move closer but I heard a small 'psst' making my head turn to a head peaking out a wall. Tyler's head, but he was right in front of me?
"That's not me..."
His voice was scared, like he had seen something he didn't want to. My head quickly turned around to see the 'Tyler' in front of me just for a phantom to be staring at me with its signature smile and eyes.
My eyes opened to see a room of white wall, I sat up quickly with a gasp trying to regain my breath again. I looked around no remembering where I am but then the memory hit, the lady put a drug in my that knocked me out.
I quickly stood up, my legs wobbling from the lack of walking. I spotted a camera up in the corner, a door that was locked and another door that led to the bathroom. I looked up at the camera with frustration.
"What the hell is this?! Where am I?! Some give me answer right fucking now!"
I screamed trying to attract someone's attention, trying to get answer of this place but no one came into the room. I grabbed a pillow throwing it to the camera even though it didn't budge. I tried again and again and again till a knock erupted through the room.
I quickly fled into the bathroom and hid behind the wall, a pillow in hand ready to get out of here. The door creaked open, a sound of a plastic bag shuffling. I heard foot steps walk into the room, stop for a moment and then continue to the bathroom.
When the person rounded the corner I started to hit them with the pillow, even though it was just a pillow, I tried to get them down enough so I could escape the room. But, I was no match for them. The person grabbed the pillow out my hands and threw it back towards my bed.

•| Nefarious |•
ParanormalSchool Bus Graveyard Tyler Hernandez x reader Being forced to join a random group of kids for school project you now have to find your way out of a nightmare. Surviving every night at 12am for 7 hours trying to not get killed by black figures call...