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I entered the bus as I looked around for a seat. I sat in front of the twins placing my backpack down on the seat next to me. My ears perked up when Mr.Walter started to speak.

"Okay everyone I'm sure you already know, but I'm going to go over today's schedule one last time. It takes about eight hours to get to Savannah. In about four hours, around noon, we'll stop to get something to eat." He continued on as I spaced out his words.

I looked out the bus window to feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the hand belonged to Tyler. "Hey do you mind if I listen to music with you? I forgot my headphones and Taylor has horrible music taste." Taylor turned her head towards Tyler. "I do not! My music taste is very good actually."

He chuckled a bit and looked back towards me. "Sure why not." I said handing him one of my Bluetooth earbuds. He put it in as the music started playing. "Ehh not the best but it will do." He said leaning back into his seat. I rolled my eyes and looked back outside. Mr.Walter finally stopped talking and the bus began to move.

I closed my eyes letting the music drown out the sounds of kids yelling. My attention was pulled away when a Rubiks cube got shoved into my face. "You should try to solve it! Aiden has a bunch of these!" Taylor said as she smiled at me.

I grabbed the cube out of her hand and looked at it. The different colors were mixed up, I attempted to solve it for half an hour till I gave up and went back to closing my eyes. We stopped for lunch and then continued our journey back to Savannah.

"We're finally here!" A kid yelled making my eyes open. I let out a yawn not realizing I fell asleep on the way. A small town was presented in front of us. It wasn't anything fancy but it was nice. We piled out of the bus gathering in front of the teacher.

Ashlyn stretched out her back making a bunch of cracking noises as all her joints popped into place and relaxed.

"Alright, everyone don't go too far out, make sure to be back here at five, and if anything happens call us immediately!" Mr.Walter said. My eyes looked around the town inspecting it. It was kind of creepy the more I paid attention to it.

"Y/n come on!" Aiden yelled as I turned my attention to the group walking away. I nodded and followed along beside them looking at all the buildings we pasted. "What should we do first?" Logan asked.

"Well, we haven't eaten since we stopped for lunch a few hours ago. We can get some food and talk about what to do while we eat?" Taylor said as we all agreed. We all sat together at a cafe while we discussed what our plans should be.

We ended up going on a horse carriage ride, look at an old cemetery and going into a shop with a bunch of lights. Taylor saw a face paint stand and suggested all of us to try some. I agreed and got a floral design on my face.

We ended up stopping at a fountain. Aiden dug for coins in the water. Taylor was taking pictures of Tyler with Logan's camera. Ashlyn sat on her phone. Ben relaxed on the ground as sat on a bench and I watched Tyler and Taylor fight.

We calmed down a bit and checked the time. "We have forty five minutes left." "Guess we should probably head back in thirty minutes then." Taylor said. Then a woman with short black hair came out to our group.

"Excuse me! Would you be interested in a tour of the Sorrel Weed house?" She said running up to us grabbing our attention. "A group cancelled their tour last minute and now we have some empty spots if you guys are interested?"

Before any of us respond Taylor says. "Wait really?! This place is supposed to be really haunted! We gotta go!" She turned to look at the group. "Maybe we should think about it-" I started to say but got caught off by Aiden and Tyler saying they don't care if they go.

'It's kinda suspicious, I kind of have a bad feeling about this.' I thought as we followed the woman through the house.

"Welcome to the Sorrel weed house!" The tour guide said enthusiastically. "So, this is the foyer." She started to explain the different aspects of the house but my mind different else where. Tyler bumped my shoulder grabbing my attention.

"You good? Since we've got in here you've been quiet." I looked at him and sighed. "Isn't it kinda of suspicious a group magically canceled last minute and we were her first choice?" I asked him.

"Ehh yeah, but hey it gives us something to do in the meantime." He responded with a shrug. I nodded and continued on with the tour. Eventually the tour guides phone went off.

"Ah... I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone." She said grabbing her phone that had a paper crane charm attached to it out of her pocket. "I have to get this. I'll be right back. Continue looking around if you want but don't touch anything." She left the room leaving us to stay.

"Well, thats super professional." Tyler said putting his hands into his pockets. "I don't think that's professional.." Logan responded to him. "I was being sarcastic." Tyler said side eyeing him. "Eh an emergency is an emergency." Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "It'll be more fun to explore on our own anyways!" She said with a bright smile.

We continued looking around the house as we waited for the tour guide to get back. The house felt strange, like something was watching us. I stayed back with Ashlyn as the group stayed up front.

Ashlyn took out her ear plugs and put a hand over her ear. "Why is she wearing ear plugs" Tyler asked. "Ah! I thought they were wireless earbuds." Aiden yelled to the whole group.

"They're ear plugs. I wear them because of my sensitivity to... sounds..." Ashlyn stopped near the end of her sentence and looked over in the corner. My eyes darted over to wear she was looking as my eyes grew wide.

There in the corner stood a tall black figure. It's eyes and mouth were bright white and it smiled at us. I thought I was just imagining this but if Ashlyn saw it too it must be there. "Oh that room looks cool!" Taylor said as she looked towards me and Ashlyn. "You two alright? You guys look pale."

"I'm fine." We both said as Ashlyn put her ear plug back into her ear. We both glance at each other and then continue to follow the rest of the group.

My mind couldn't stop racing with thoughts on the figure. 'What was that thing? Was it real? If so then how come no one else saw it?' The group stopped as me and Ashlyn stood before them.

"Why'd you guys get so quiet?" I asked as I looked at them. They stood still faces pale as if they saw a ghost.

"Guys...behind you..." Logan said with a terrified look. A breath was on my shoulder as I stood still. The black figure I saw earlier was right there...and everyone saw it.

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