Me and Ashlyn currently sat in the corner of the room while Ben worked on fixing our wounds, he poured some hydrogen peroxide on Ashlyn's arm making her wince from the stinging feeling that erupted. The room was silent everyone working on their own task at the moment.
My eyes trailed back down to my thigh getting a better look at the scratches, it was deep but not deep enough for stitches, it will probably leave a scar but it should heal up just fine. My head shot up to the sound of glass breaking, fearing the figures might have gotten in.
"Aye look, another weapon."
Aiden cheered, holding up the broken bottle he smashed against the wall.
"Hey! Watch it! You should've done that in the bathroom, now there's glass everywhere!"
Tyler complained.
"I'll get the broom."
Logan sighed using his knee to help him stand up. Ben started to dab Ashlyn's cut with a cloth as she sucked in a deep breath, she started tapping her foot to try and not make it obvious this hurt her.
"Here wanna squeeze this?"
Aiden handed her a cloth.
He said squatting down next to Ben.
"I never took you for the leader type."
Aiden looked towards her.
"...I'm not but my parents are."
I spaced out their conversation, not really caring as my eyes drifted towards the twins, they currently worked on taking legs off of tables and chairs to try to get us some weapons.
Tyler's eyes drifted my way making my head snap back towards Ben, he just finished wrapping up Ashlyn's arm as he motioned for me to move over to him. I took Ashlyn's spot and relaxed my leg out for him to inspect. He poured the liquid on my leg making me wince, "Holy fuck this stuff stings!" Now I know why Ashlyn tried to not show how bad it hurt. He continued pouring it as I found the cloth Ashlyn squeezed on to making me do the same thing.
"How many of these do we have?"
Ashlyn said picking up one of the limbs that the twins were taking off the furniture.
"Uh 8, including the ones we're taking off now."
,Taylor unscrewed another leg on a chair.
Ben started to tab up the dried blood that made its way onto the areas surrounding the cut.
"It's been quiet for a while now... do you think the monster are gone?"
Taylor looked towards Ashlyn. Ben finished with my leg as I gave him a quick thanks before standing up making my way towards the twins.
"We actually have some items to protect ourselves, so we're in a better position to talk things out."
Ashlyn started to say to the group.
"They're...still outside the door. I can hear them but not in a normal way."
"What do you mean?"
I asked her sitting on the floor near Tyler.
"Remember how I said I have sensitive ears?"
"Oh that's right! So you can hear them moving outside or something?"
Aiden spoke up.
"Sort of. They make a certain... sound I don't think you guys can hear."
"Can you get to the point?"
Tyler said making me lightly slap his shoulder, rolling my eyes.
"I'm trying you jerk. This isn't easy to explain. The thing is, because how loud everything is to me, I hear...phantom noises as a side effect. Sounds that aren't really there. In the Sorrel Weed house I thought I was hearing phantom noises and when I saw the monster...I believed it was just a type of hallucination. But then it grabbed me and Y/n"
"A hallucination that grabbed you, injured you and y/n, and that all of us had seen? And you thought it wasn't real?"
Tyler scoffed.
"Well you thought it was a joke."
I rolled my eyes.
"What I'm getting at is that I can hear and locate them when you guys can't."
Ashlyn finished.
"So what's your plan then? Use your magic hearing the save the day?"
Tyler continued to unscrew the chair legs.
"No well yes but later. I think we should stay in here for now so we can rest and...prepare ourselves."
Ashlyn said.
"Once we go outside, there's no telling what we'll encounter. And let's not leave the living room. If something happens, I don't want to be split up. There isn't much we can do right now, so do some mental exercises."
"Metal exercises?"
Aiden said.
"Imagine yourself in certain situations and she how you will react. Any time you aren't asleep that's what you should be doing."
"Yeah great plan. Daydream and sleep with monsters outside the door."
Tyler said irritated.
"We'll take turns keeping look out."
Ashlyn stood up from her spot.
"Logan, is the time still twelve?"
I looked towards him.
"Oh um I'll hasn't changed."
"Alright, we'll keep resetting a timer every hour then. I'll take first shift who wants to go after?"
Ashlyn asked.
"I'll go second."
I responded to her, we all took turns through out the night making sure no monsters were to get in. Everyone was scattered around the living room sleeping, I sat against the wall not being able to fall asleep after everything that just happened. "Hey are you alright?"
Ashlyn asked looking at me.
"Um yeah I'm okay. Just kinda hard to wrap my head around all of this."
I looked towards her.
"That's understandable but don't worry we'll get through it. Try to get some rest."
She said as I nodded, I laid down on the floor and closed my eyes trying to get as much sleep as I could before my shift.
The whole world shifted making me sit up in bed. I was back in my room but how? Was it all just a really bad nightmare? But it felt so real. My head ached as I looked down at my thigh. No scratch or bandage that Ben put on. 'I guess it really was a dream.'
My stomached turned as I quickly sat up and ran my way to the bathroom. I saw Ashlyn and Taylor across the bathroom throwing up, the thought of this made my stomach hurt worse as I grabbed a trash can and let everything I ate from the previous night out.
"Taylor, y/n, Ashlyn! Are you here?!"
I heard yelling down the hallway.
"Ah! Found 'em."
Aiden said barging into the room. With everyone's reaction I'm guessing it wasn't a dream and everything I experienced the night before was true.
Tyler shoved Aiden out of the doorway, he saw Taylor and let out a sigh of relief.
"Ah- I feel another wave coming."
Aiden said holding his head over his mouth, I handed him the trash can as I stood up shaking looking in the mirror. I splashed some water on my face and flushed my mouth out with some as well. 'Is this really going to be an occurring thing?' I thought as another wave of nausea started coming.

•| Nefarious |•
ParanormalSchool Bus Graveyard Tyler Hernandez x reader Being forced to join a random group of kids for school project you now have to find your way out of a nightmare. Surviving every night at 12am for 7 hours trying to not get killed by black figures call...