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The world shifted back to the dark red sky, chilling breeze and still air. The weight of the bandages on my body making me aware we were back with the phantoms. Everyone stood in the same position we left off, all in a circle at the gas station.

I shook my head a bit trying to remember the plan, but everything clicked. I ran out of the gas as fast as I could  station going straight for where Tyler said he would be, I passed the bag of supplies on the way.

Screams were heard making my ears perk up following the sound, I passed by a branch and saw a phantom trying to get to something. Before it could get what it was scratching at I slammed my foot into its face making it fly into a tree a go limp.

"Tyler are you..."

I stopped my sentence looking up at the boy, a tree straight through his abdomen, blood dripping from his mouth as he struggled. My heart broke at the sight of him, he looked so fragile and weak.

"Y/n! Where did you go?"

Aiden's voice called from a distance, my feet turned around going straight to where his voice was.

"Oh there you-"

Before he could finish I ran straight to him, hand shoved into the bag trying to find the syringe to help Tyler's pain ease.

"Aiden! Where is it!"

I panicked, my good hand shuffling through different weapons and bandages.

"What's wrong?"

Aiden's head lifted, the rest of the group arriving at the scene. Everyone stared at Tyler, mouths opened. I continued looking for the syringe till a glass tube hit my hand, quickly pulling it out.

"Ben put the latter up, Ashlyn can you put this in his arm, I won't be able to do it since my body is y'know."

I mocked a cracking noise handing the syringe to Ashlyn. Aiden and Ashlyn worked on getting him down while everyone else took watch, or at least said they were going to take watch.

Logan held his gum shooting any phantoms that would pass by, Ben held onto the tree trying to regain himself, Taylor laid on the floor sobbing and I held her close trying to comfort her.

Aiden and Ashlyn worked on a pulley system to lower Tyler to the ground once they had him off the tree, everyone was in shock from the experience we had to go through. Once he was down me and Ben tried our best to wrap up as much damage as we could.

My eyes never left his tired ones, the ones that once were filled with joy now were filled with pain. I grabbed his hand lightly squeezing it to give him reassurance.

Ben finished wrapping all that he could till we got to a safer spot and hoisted him onto his back.

"You got him?"

Ashlyn turned to look at Ben who gave her a worried nod. A loud bang was heard making my head shoot over to the noise, Logan held up his gun shooting down a phantom.

Over the past couple of months I've noticed a lot of growth in him, he's becoming more independent, stronger.

"Alright, let's hurry. More phantoms are showing up. We need to get to the school."

Ashlyn quickly led the group to the main road, looking around for cars that we will be able to take to the school.

"Ah! I see one!"

Aiden broke the silence and ran over to a red truck.

"Does it have keys?"

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