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We all stood around Ashlyn listening in on her plan.

"I'm going to tie the door to the pole over there."

She went to the door holding the shoe laces up.

"Two weak strings and a shabby pole?! Yeah like that's gonna keep it closed!"

Tyler sarcastically commented, rolling his eyes

"It might not but it should be enough time for Ashlyn and me to keep this door shut while we make a run for it, you guys need to go now."

I held onto the door handle making sure the black figure would escape, the other black figures climb their way up the railings, they were coming up quicker than we anticipated, the group was hesitant in their actions and stood still looking around.

"She said go!"

Ashlyn yelled at them trying to make them snap out of their tranced state and start to move. Tyler grabbed Taylor's hand pulling her along to the boys room while Logan ran behind them.

"Ben tie this to the door handle while I hold it closed."

I gave the frightened boy the shoe lace, my grip on the door tightening. He tied the string on as tight as he could making sure it would hold. We all focused on tying the string as tight as possible that the phantoms now started to make their way up the stairs.

"Okay- RUN!"

Ashlyn yelled out making us sprint down the hallway, everywhere I looked there would be a new figure, they were flooding in quicker by the minute.

The string on the door snapped causing the two figures to come out of our room, their smiling teeth shone through the night as they gather with the other black figures chasing us down the hallway. One came dashing towards faster than we were running, my mind was flooded with ways to get out of this situation.

"Guys move!"

I yelled at the group, I grabbed a mop bucket and swung it around bashing the figure into the wall. It hung its head low for a second till it tilted his white smile at us, Aiden ran over to a cart of cleaning supplies holding a bottom of cleaner.

"Y'know this could be fun."

He said holding the cleaner up to the figures head, spraying the figure in the eye making it silently cried out in pain.

"Lol why isn't it screaming?"

Aiden asked tilting his head still holding the cleaner, Ashlyn was holding her ears while she closed her eyes in agony.

"Aiden come on!"

Ashlyn yelled back to him.

"I think we can take em! There are more bottles-"


Me and Ashlyn yelled cutting him off, we continued to run to the boys room with a trail of black figures behind us. Logan peaked his head out looking for us down the hall.


I yelled everyone flooding into the room quickly, I shut the door as quickly as possible twisting the lock to make sure it's secure. Heavy breaths were shared between the group as we all relaxed relieved that it was over. Before we could sit down banging came from the door behind us,

"We should...put the couch up against the door."

Ashlyn said making everyone nod their head in agreement. We quickly moved away from the door while Tyler and Ben slid the couch in front of the door making sure it's secure, they decided to put a small single chair on top for more weight even though it probably won't do much.

The group sat around the floor shaking and still trying to process what happened earlier. 'What the hell are those things and why are we the ones stuck here?! Was it because of the Sorrel Weed house? Does that tour guide the reason we are now fighting for our lives?" My head spun around trying to figure out the situation.

Before anyone could say anything Aiden started to chuckle.

"Why are you laughing this time?"

Tyler yelled at him, his head snapping up to look at Aiden.

"It's like we're in a zombie movie."

He responded.

"And that's supposed to be funny?"


They started to argue with each other.

"Is he insane or something?"

Tyler said to us looking around the group. Aiden's eyes drifted to Ashlyn's arm.

"Your arm is scratched up? I thought I got you out of the way on time."

He inspected the cut on her arm.

"... you did. I think this happened at the Sorrel Weed house."

She responded looking down at her cut.

"I'm pretty sure mine did too."

I rolled my pj pants up a bit, showing the fresh wound on my thigh. From the running down the hallway it didn't hurt too bad so my guess is the muscle isn't affected in anyway.

"You mean you both knew it was real and didn't think to mention it to any of us?!"

Tyler stood up quickly and yelled breaking the silence in the room.

"We didn't tell anyone because we didn't think it was real. And right now isn't exactly a good time to talk about it, we should be coming up with a plan or-"

"And why should we listen to anything you say? This is probably both of your faults in the first place."

He said cutting off Ashlyn, everyone turned to him giving him a shocked face, no one expected this outburst. I shook my head standing up making my way towards him.

"Alright fine, we get where you're coming from. Maybe we should have said something."

I said slowly walking over to him.

"And if blaming us helps you deal with the situation better, so be it."

I approached him looking up at him.

"Hey what are you-"

he said as I grabbed the collar of his shirt forcing him to look at me.

"But if you aren't going to make yourself useful, make yourself scarce."

I glared at him.

"Playing the blame game isn't going to fix anything. There are deadly creatures right outside our window that could kill us at any moment. Instead of arguing we should come up with a plan. So if you aren't going to help us out, keep your trap shut."

I let go of his shirt and walked back to where I was previously sat while he stood there dumbfounded by my reaction.

"That was unexpected."

Aiden let out a whistle.

"And you need to stop taking things so lightly."

Ashlyn said glaring at him making him shut his trap.

"We need weapons and materials, so let's gather up everything in the motel room and sort through what we can use."

Ashlyn rubbed her eyes in annoyance.

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