Yunah's Pov

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Minju, What a smartie pants

As we gathered together, the weight of our mission hung heavy in the air. Minju presented her plan, and I listened intently, my mind focused on the steps we needed to take to reclaim our lives from the puppeteers' grasp. It was a daunting task, but we had come too far to back down now.

Listening to Minju's words, I felt a sense of determination intertwine with my hope. "First," she began, "we need to collect students who are willing to join us, one by one. We'll convince them of the puppeteers' influence and the need for freedom."

The idea of finding allies who shared our cause resonated deeply within me. Solidarity in our fight against the puppeteers' manipulation was key to our success. I knew that with the support of others, our message would carry more weight.

As Minju continued, outlining our strategy for vote trades and gradual ascent, I understood the need for caution. The puppeteers surely monitored our every move, and drawing too much attention to ourselves would risk their interference.

Moka voiced her concern, questioning the slower pace of our ascent. I saw the validity in her worries, but Minju's response reassured me. "Slow and steady will be our approach," she explained, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a low profile.

The realization hit me that reaching the top five would empower us to challenge the game's rules. The plan gave us a glimmer of hope, a path towards dismantling the puppeteers' control. I felt a fire ignite within me as I envisioned stepping into a position of power, using it to demand the cancellation of the game and secure our freedom.

But the true test lay in turning against our parents' plans. It required unwavering resolve and unwavering loyalty to each other. I knew it wouldn't be easy, wrestling with the emotions tied to my own family, but I was committed to forging my path and protecting my friends.

As Minju concluded, the collective determination in the room fueled my own. I realized that we were not alone in our fight. We had each other, an unbreakable bond fueled by the pursuit of truth and liberation.

With newfound resolve, I pledged my support to the plan. We would gather allies, carefully ascend the ranks, and challenge the puppeteers' control over our lives. Together, we were a force to be reckoned with, united in our pursuit of freedom and justice.

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