13 y/o Me

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"Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Love is a profound connection between individuals that includes a desire to safeguard and care for each other. "

This is how everyone in the Bollywood movies describes love.

And this is the same thing my di is telling me since she came into a relationship.

I'm just 13 years old, I didn't know much about love. First I was so innocent to think that we just complete schooling, then graduation and after we find a job, our parents will find a partner for us and we will marry them.

But after watching a lot of Bollywood movies, I got to know about the term Love and I got so confused about everything.

But then di cleared my confusion. She first told me the difference between arranged marriage and love marriage. And then she told me about love. We can have feelings for someone and then we can marry them.

She even told me about her relationship.
And from her relationship and the one which I use to watch in Bollywood movies I learned that in love we care for each other and no matter what circumstances we face we stay with each other forever.

Then one question crossed my mind, 'how it feels to be in love'?

But love is not easy.

No matter what situation we face we have to be strong and stay always by each other's side.

This thing I learned when our family got to know about Di's relationship. My di, my Masi's daughter, was in a relationship with our neighbour's elder son.

At that time our apartment had four flats. The whole apartment was owned by Masi's husband . On the ground floor there was one flat in which Masi, her husband , di and her two brothers i.e. my cousins stayed and the other three flats were given on rent to the families including my family (me, mom, dad).

So di had a relationship with our neighbour's elder son. And the tragedy was , di's boyfriend's family and Di's family were not in the good terms from the start. And when the both families got to know about their relationship, literally it was a disaster.

Both families got so much angry on both of them and told them to break up with each other. Even after that my di had been prohibited from going out from home without any valid reason and many more restrictions were on her.

But still the people in love can fight with any circumstances to be with each other. Even after the opposition of families, still di and her boyfriend were in a relationship secretly.

Di told me, and I myself saw her lovestory.

First when I got to know about love, I wanted to be in love. But after all the tragedy took place in home when everyone got to know about Di's relationship, after watching all that, I made a decision to be single.

Because love is not that easy. I made decision to be single until my parents find me any partner. And then I will marry the person my parents select for me.

At that time I used to care so much about my image. I used to care so much about what people would think of me.

It takes so much time to build our image well but it doesn't take a second to collapse.

Everyone in my family liked Di so much as she was so caring, nice, and sanskari in everyones eyes. But when her relationship came infront of everyone, her state was devastated. She had to deal with so many restrictions after that.

I hate restrictions. I felt that if in future I fell in love and my family got to know about it. They will make my life so difficult.

So I decided to stay away from these matters.

And no matter what, I will never fall in Love.

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