Chapter 18

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I griped his arm tightly standing behind him, he was smirking most of the time. So far I've been doing quite good except that I think I almost break Karma-kun's arm every time something scares me.

"Karma-kun, are we there yet?" I whined, sure its scary but gripping someone's arm for 15 minutes can be quite tiring.

"Eh~ Should I probably let go?" He teased.

"DONT LET GO OR ELSE!" I shouted, a bit louder than I should have. I tightened the grip around his arm making him wince a bit.

"Or else~?" he said back, uhh or else....

"Or else... I would draw a mustache on you when your sleeping." I answered back, the same thing happened about 5 minutes ago, its kinda becoming a cycle here.

Everything was fine until a friggin white lady stood in front of me, but that wasn't what was wrong, what was wrong is I accidentally punched her harder than I should have.

Karma looked surprised as I punched one of the casts, "Sorry! Sorry!" I said multiple times, the member I punched, was just there in the floor looking dead...

"Don't worry (y/n) theres no rule saying you cant punch them, plus his alive.... I guess." He mumbled the last part, there's no rule of saying you cant punch them but... I can't just leave him laying dead there.

"So slow~ Hurry up (y/n-san)." Karma said, slipping his arm out of my grip.

"Don'tleavemeorelseIwouldactuallywriteonyourface." I said quickly, he kept going until I actually gave up in rescuing him.

"OK IM COMING SO WAIT FOR ME!" I shouted, running as fast as I can to catch up to him. The cast member was still laying dead there well.... that might scare the other pairs more... I guess?

After walking for another about 5 minutes a small light was waiting for us, in the end was our classmates. No other pair was there, I'm pretty sure we weren't fast enough yo be even in the top 3 so where are the other pairs?

"Uh, where are the other pairs?" I asked nervously, I didn't want to fail Class E.

"They saw an almost dead body and ran back to the start..pfft Terasaka was screaming when we saw him." Isogai-kun said, stifling his laughter. Oh god, I want to see Terasaka scream but an almost dead body that might be my fault..

"Haha... An almost dead body huh, we didn't see that didn't we Karma-kun?" I said awkwardly faking a laugh, Karma nodded in agreement. The referee walked towards us and announced us as winner.

"Ne~ (y/n-san) I checked earlier he isn't dead just kinda... K.O." he said, smirking. Thank god he isn't dead.

"But..." Oh god, what happened?

"A teacher has to transfer to our class to check the students personality, basically its because you punched somebody and think the whole class are delinquents." Karma said blankly, good its not some crazy punishment.

"That means we cant have assassination attempts and I cant skip classes or else we'll all be transferred to different schools." He said with a whiny voice.

"You shouldn't be skipping classes in the first place." I mumbled trying to place the blame on him.

"Heh~ (y/n-san) I think I want to dress up early for halloween." he said, with his usual smirk.

"Uh... please don't I'll do anything just don't!" I shouted, why... "Ill do anything!" He saw my panicked expression as he's smirk grew wider, all I can count on now is for him to forget I ever said anything.. or basically just doomed.

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