Chapter 20

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"Karma-kuuun, where are we going?" I asked, tugging his t-shirt, we've probably been walking for 20 minutes already, he wouldn't even tell me where we're going.

"Heh~ Don't worry, you'd probably like it, so be patient." Karma said, grinning. What do you mean 'probably like it'? Karma stopped from his footsteps and grabbed my hand.

"Why did you st-" I asked but was cut off, "We're here, well its a surprise so close your eyes." Well knowing that every person would literally not close there eyes when a person says that, I took a peek while walking, well tried to but I didn't realize he put on a blindfold on me.

"Karma-kun, what are you doing?" I asked, I heard a door close but there was no answer from anyone. Begging to feel cautious, I tried looking for the not in the blindfold and untied it.

It looked like a ballroom,for like maybe a class, well it was two times our classroom. "Karma-kun, where are you?" I said out loud, where is he?

"This isn't funny." I said, sighing, My patience isn't really high so I get annoyed easily.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Y/N)!!!" I heard a loud shouts, which of course made me startled. I turned around and saw everyone in 3E and my brother.

"Happy birthday, (y/n). I definitely ship you and Karma well after Karma and Asano." Rio-chan said handing me a present.

"H-How did you know?" I asked stuttering, I never really celebrated my birthday, to me it was like celebrating one year closer to your death.

"That doesn't matter! Just open it already." Rio said shouting as energetic as ever. I opened it and found a box.

"T-thanks, Rio-chan...." I said seeing you it, well knowing Rio of course it would be a BL manga.

"Don't worry its amazing!" Rio-chan said, sometimes I think she's to enthusiastic about this, we both laughed happily.

"(Y/n)! Happy birthday!" Kayano-chi said giving me another present, I opened it and found a jacket but no ordinary jacket, a neko jacket.

"Thank you Kayano-chi!" I said hugging her, Rio-chan pouted for some reason.

"Eh, you don't like Boys Love manga?" Rio-chan said pouting.

"No I love it, thanks Rio-chan!" I said hugging her also.

"(Y/n), I font want my death to be killed by hugging." Rio-chan said laughing as I laughed along.

"Amyway, (y/n) do you know its the blue moon today?" Nagisa-kun said, smiling. Its the blue moon on my birthday? Well that lucky.(It was blue moon yesterday XD)

"Ah really? Thats cool." I said, well looking around the crowd of classmates, I don't see Karma-kun.

"Nagisa-kun, do you know where Karma-kun is?" I asked him, I cant find him.

"There's ah cab outside, if you want to find him you should probably find him there."

"But-" I said.

"Hurry up if you want to find him! Im cheering you on!" Rio-chan said, I smiled at all of them and exited the ballroom building.

As I entered the cab, I noticed it the sun was setting. I dont want to end this day without him, there's rumors that say that whoever you see the blue with you would be with them forever.

"Excuse me miss, we have arrived." The drivers says, I exit the cab quickly and see him sitting over a hill, I walk over to him.

"Heh~ Told you, you would like it." Karma-kun says, standing up. I quickly hug him, this is the first time I see Karma-kun so flustered.

"This time your the one flustered." I said jokingly, he looked away.

"Anyway, lets just wait for the sunset." Karma says, lying down on the grass, I lay down behind him. He slowly put his hand on top of mine.

"Thanks Karma-kun, well this is kinda my first time celebrating a birthday and you kinda made me love everyday of my life... ever since I met you I guess?" I said as I held his hand, he sat up and I sat up after him, he then kissed my forehead as I blushed madly. The sun finally went down and it went dark.

"Ne (y/n), aren't you the one blushing now?" He said with his smirk, he patted my head and ruffled my hair.

We just sat there and talker to each other, this was probably more than I can ask for.

"Anyway, here open it." He said handing me a gift, I opened it slowly and found a necklace, it had a simple heart and small blue dots on it.

"T-Thank you Karma-kun!" I said hugging him tightly, there was no light at all anymore, the sun was replaced by the moon, well blue moon.

"Ill just go to sleep, Karma-kun..." I said drowsily, I laid my head on his lap and slept peacefully.

~Karma's P.O.V~

She slept quietly like she didn't care about anything, I gently brushed her hair with my hand.

"Heh~ Happy Birthday (y/n)."

"Aishiteru.... Goodnight."


"Hey wake up." A familiar voice said.

"Welp, gotta write a fan fiction about you guys now."


"This gotta trend."

I hear some grunting and looked at (y/n), "RIO-CHAN!!" Sh shouted trying to grab her phone.

"This ship actually, armada needs to sail!" Rio shouted out loud running away from (y/n).

I am really sorry that this is very short!。・°°(_)°°・。 I had school on a Saturday(; ̄ェ ̄) by the way how long would you want this book to be? Again super sorry and thanks for 11k and sorry for the long wait.

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