Hello all my name is y/n I am a high school student living a boring life in I was on my way home until I spotted a girl who was crossing a road and didn't pay attention to the truck without hesitation I run to her I pushed her out of the way and took hit then I died
Y/n: Where am I ........ Wait, is this heaven or hell?
Suddenly someone spoke, I looked behind me to see someone made of light.
???: will I can answer that
Y/n: Wait, are you a god?
god: Yes it seems that you watch Anime if you know who I am from the first glance
My head is about to explode. I'm talking to God now, and the first thing he tells me is that I'm watching Anime.
god: don't worry your head won't explode sorry if I been sadden on you
What god is apologies to me
Y/n: don't so am I going to heaven or hell?
god: will neither
Y/n: What then what will happen to me?
god: I will recreate you in another world where there are angels and fallen and devils and yokai and dragons
Y/n: so I got wishes .......... wait minute is this high school dxd
god: bingo
Y/n: 'yes' so how much my wish can be
god: will sense you took chance to isekai no Skills or techniques or be part of factions or binge op you can wish for anything but not those
Y/n: you said as long its not skill or ability or be part of faction or magic then I want to become the infinitetrix hhhhhhhhhhhhh
god: you monster
Y/n: it was you who said not me not my problem
god: fine fine you win you have full control Abon yourself
Y/n: thank god you the best
god: Prise me more anyway we should start you will get there 2 month before the polt
Y/n: thanksss
God: then go already
then he snap his fingers Then everything became black

أدب الهواةY/n were an ordinary boy in high school until a truck hit you while saving a child from being hit to find that you got a second chance in life [ this my first story so try go Esay on me ]