Y/n were an ordinary boy in high school until a truck hit you while saving a child from being hit to find that you got a second chance in life [ this my first story so try go Esay on me ]
nickname= infinitrix / omni device / the White prince [by girls in kouh academy]
infinitetrix form
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human form
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[you can hide the infinitetrix symbol in you]
personality= kind carrying flirty smart [to his friend]
cold mercy form time to time [to his enemy]
likes= food - his girls - rias and her peerage - all factions
dislike= khaos brigade - perv - riser - old satan faction
power: all aliens are unlock you can even go to the ultimate form like the ultramatrix
full master control [wait why do I write I mean it supposed to be obvious all the omnitrix deos excited you have its powe and full control Abon alien X ]
and you can make anyone be your wilder
normal talk= "hello"
think= 'what'
any kind of far comminate= {hello everything is ready}