Chapter 3 The Alien Watch

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10 minutes before ORC enter the room

big chill: 'well it's time to go sorry little one' I thought then fuse swampfire sleeping gas so she passes out with big chill

I hear voice I run to the locker and transform to my real form and watch to make sure she safe I then I sense them behind the door and they Brust in   

???: "what just happen how is the stray frozen" she ask shock

???: "rias do you think its devil come first and take care of him" she said to the????

me: 'yep the ORC' I thought

rias: "no I don't think I well tell sona and inform brother about this" she said

rias: "ok everyone well take the girl to the police then go home" she said

 me: 'good they didn't notice me' I thought 

then I see A cockroach near me Unintentionally, I analyzed his DNA, and I made a sound, and one of them came, to the locker and opened it She was a short girl with silver hair looking at me.

me: 'Koneko-Chan my first crush that had been build the day I watch dxd' I thought will blushing 

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me: 'Koneko-Chan my first crush that had been build the day I watch dxd' I thought will blushing 

rias: "koneko did you found something" she ask as koneko who nodded

koneko: "its weird looking watch" she said as she left my left hand to garbed me

me: 'you know what f*** ' I thought as I jump to her arm and link with it

koneko: "president I can't take it off" she said as try to analyze me

rias: "just don't touch it I well inform brother about" she said

me: 'nah don't think so' I thought as prepared the list if the alien  

I then lift the middle core then she press it and green light appear make them close their eyes on

[koneko is ben]

when they open it they got more shock to see weird creature in koneko place as it start to Panick

when they open it they got more shock to see weird creature in koneko place as it start to Panick

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koneko: "I on fire I on fire water president help" she said panicking

rias: "koneko is that you" she ask

koneko: "yes its me who else" she said confused

rias: "look at the mirror there" she said and look at the mirror only to Panick more

koneko: "what happen to my body" she scream

rias: "koneke calm down we well going brother I sure he will help you " she said

rias: "akeno take the girl to the police then follow us" she ordered her who Replay by nodding

then she summons magical circle and we got teleported a way

??? POV

I was doing my paperwork as always and beside me my wife grayfia

grayfia: " sirzechs-sama you should focus on doing your paperwork" she said to me

me: " I know grayfia but it start to get boring but I almost done" I told her as she nodded

me: " I wish there something interesting to happen" I said as the office door brust open as rias enter

rias: "brother we need your help" she said fast

me: "rias just calm and tell me what happen" I said worried about what happen to her

rias: " it well be Esey to show you what happen come in" she said

as Kiba and weird creature that I never saw before entered make me and grayfia shock

me: "rias what is this weird thing" I said bit shock

???: "its me koneko sirzechs-sama" the creature said make me and grayfia more shock

rias: "its true brother its koneko" she told me

me: "calm and explain everything happen and grayfia call ajuka to came here fast as possible" I told them all as grayfia call ajuka who got here in 5 minutes as they explain everything happen for 5 minutes

ajuka: "I never saw anything like this before and its not sacred gear senses it does not had magic" he said

koneko: "so I well stay like this forever" she said sad and scared 

me: "ajuka is there anything you can do" I asked

ajuka: "no sorry but I---"he cut as sound came from koneko chest

beep-beep-beeeeeep and red light appear make us all cover our eyes when we open them we see koneko who returned to her body

koneko: "my body" she said as she hug herself and tearing

ajuka: " rias can you tell when koneko transform" he asked

rias: "before 25 minutes why" she said

ajuka: "It seems to me that it has a countdown until it returns koneko to her origin" he said as he looking to the watch and try to analyze it

me: "well it those not seme to be danger koneko try to train how to use it and if anything happen inform us ok" I told as they nodded before leaveing

ajuka: "I never saw anything like this before do you think one of the factions created" he asked

me: "no it those not seme this world creation" I told as he nodded in agreement

me: "lets hope it help rias with her problem" I said as he nodded 

short chapter if you want it to be long leave comment and tell your opinion

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