Chapter 1 New beginning

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I rejoined my conscience I found myself in a a forest and I'm in the Infinitetrix form well this is New Beginning

Y/n: "all right New Life new beginning"

Analyzing the area that we are in

Y/n: "well it seems that I am in the forest how great well let's see if I can transform I will which one should I choice one of my dream had became truth".. ' my choice jittery or Big Chill to know we will where my location'

When I was thinking someone was looking at me I didn't know it's in
the beginning but I felt his present to find the one and the only the Infinite Dragon God ophis

When I was thinking someone was looking at me I didn't know it's in the beginning but I felt his present to find the one and the only the Infinite Dragon God ophis

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Y/n: 'gg man gg from all the beings ophis how great'

Ophis: "what's this weird thing well not my problem"

She turn around she was about to leave until voice stop her

Y/n: " hey I'm not thing I have a name all right well kids of this years".. ' f*** what did I talk' I was sweating at the moment

She turned around to look at me she start to approach me which make me more sweeting

Ophis: "did you just talk right now"

Y/n: "no".... ' f****** talk again' this moment I know man I'm dead man man I'm dead but it's fine I can't die actually

Ophis: "you're thing and talk are you a seacred gear"...' I never saw that seacred gear before'

Y/n: " hey it's rude to call me thing I have a name and it's infinitetrix and I am not seacred gear".. ' well that's what she starts think of me the most powerful device in the existence being called something so much weak like a seacred gear oh boy she doesn't know anything' I was pissed off from calling me a weak weapon or compare me to it

Ophis: "then sorry for my rudeness I didn't know that you have emotion".. ' I can feel a lot of energy from him it's even great from baka red and me at the full power I'm need him to get that lizard out of my dimensional Gap' she was thinking

Y/n: " hello Earth to little girl and by the way where is your parents and why are you in the Forest actually".. ' why she is not with the khaos Bridge tch' I was thinking

Ophis: " I just came to the first for peace and silence and I don't have a parents" she said

Y/n: " sorry I didn't know but it's danger for little girl like you"... ' yeah I'm afraid for animals more than her' I was thinking

Ophis: " I'm not a little girl I am the Infinite Dragon God ophis" she said

Y/n: " well it's nice to meet you but why are you emotional exactly actually you look adorable"... ' damn what did I said it's not my time for filtering' I was thinking

Ophis: " are you trying right now to filtering with me" she said with emotional face

Y/n: " maybe maybe not" I said to her

The look on her face didn't say that she like the answer

Y/n: " will this little girl as much as I want to stay with you I have to go so bye" I said

Ophis: "how are you going to leave..." she couldn't finish her talk because of flash of green bright light she was forced to close her eyes

When she open them she's saw something very very very weird she's saw a weird creature in the place for that thing with green hologram symbol in his chest she know that was the same hologram the watch had

When she open them she's saw something very very very weird she's saw a weird creature in the place for that thing with green hologram symbol in his chest she know that was the same hologram the watch had

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Jittery: " Jittery well I'm leaving little girl" he said that then flight and left

Ophis in the other hand was shock that the watch had turned into weird creature now she was thinking about added him to her group to defeat the lizard and restore her home

Ophis: ' interesting I'm going to keep an eye on him and maybe he would be good to mate' she was thinking and returned to her little sleep

With what in the other hand you were flying the sky thinking

Jittery : ' damn she know about me now well there's nothing I can do anyway now let's get to koha town and join the academy' I was thinking until I stopped

Jittery: " where is koha by the way" I said before flying in the sky until I find any City nearby

Well this was chapter 1 please leave a comment and tell me what you think

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