Chapter 18

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White (infinitetrix) POV

As I returned to the main time line as I appeared in the roof top of kouh academy after saving lilith

Lilith: she was bit mad {you didn't say that stupid big G was here} she said madly because she hate God sense his her enemy

God: {calm down lilith it was all in past let's forget it} he tried to nogation with her

Lilith: {on my Damm Corpse stupid Big G} she said angrily

Me: {knock it off you two} I said as they stopped immediately {if you two continue I will put you on simulation where is 500,000 waybig is after you two} I said as they get a little scared and said they will behave as draig laugh at this

I walk out and head to the gate and saw koneko and Asia and kiba and Xenovia are there

Me: "yo guys" I said and gain their attention

Kiba: "bro we were wondering where have you been" he said with calm voice

Me: "well I was in the roof but le-" I was interrupted when

???: "So I finally found you, my rival," a voice called out. Turning around, I saw him.

Me: "we meet finally white dragon emperor" I said calmly as everyone get shocked as kiba and Xenovia pulled their swords and aimed at the white dragon emperor neck "guys stop it's between me and him" I said as they hesitate but nodded and put thei...

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Me: "we meet finally white dragon emperor" I said calmly as everyone get shocked as kiba and Xenovia pulled their swords and aimed at the white dragon emperor neck "guys stop it's between me and him" I said as they hesitate but nodded and put their swords away

Vali: "my name is vali and I'm the white dragon emperor for this generation" he said

Me: "will vali my name is infinitetrix the red dragon emperor for this generation" I said as we looked at each other "so what's bring you here is it talking because I'm sure it's not fighting" I said as he laughed a little

Vali: "I only wanted to meet my rival but I didn't expect it to be someone powerful I really look forward to our fight" He said

Draig: start talking from inside me "are you going to ignore me white one" he said as another voice speak

???: "you still alive red one and you seems to got interesting host" the voice said

Vali: "this is the white dragon of supremacy Albion inside me" he said

Albion: "remember that my host well deafet your host red one" He said with confident

Xenovia: "how do we know that his not here to fight" she asks still on her guard as Asia is behind koneko

Vali: "because it's not the right time right rias gremory" He said as rias and Akeno appear and approached us

Rias: "indeed but what is your purpose white dragon emperor" she asked with suspicious look

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