Y/n were an ordinary boy in high school until a truck hit you while saving a child from being hit to find that you got a second chance in life [ this my first story so try go Esay on me ]
I wake up in the morning after a long conversation with God and Ddraig. I feel something on my right side. Throwing the blanket away, I see...
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Me: As I try to process what in the name of the all celestial beings is going on, 'W... WHAT THE F****?' I shout in my mind as Rias yawns and opens her eyes slowly.
Rias: "Good morning, White-kun," she says, yawning a little and rubbing her eyes slowly.
Me: "What are you doing in my bed?" I ask, shocked.
Rias: "I couldn't sleep well yesterday, so I figured I'd sleep with you. Why? Don't you like it when a naked girl sleeps with you?" she says, hugging my right arm and pressing it against her chest. I blush a little. "Awww, your blush is cute," she says with a teasing tone.
Soon, someone knocks on the door.
Asia: She opens the door to enter. "Hi, White-san. Are you awake? Breakfast is rea---" She stops talking and looks at us. I blush a mess, and Rias smiles at this, while Asia blushes too.
Rias: "Good morning, Asia. We will come to eat breakfast," she says in a soft voice, standing up and starting to put on her clothes.
Me: "It's not like that. I don't know when she entered the room," I say, trying to find an excuse, still blushing.
Asia: Still blushing, "It's okay, White-san. I believe you," she says with a soft voice as Rias finishes dressing. "Shall we eat breakfast now? Koneko-chan is waiting for us," she says. I nod and stand up.
Me: "I need to use the bathroom first," I say, walking to the bathroom and closing the door behind me. 'I forgot that Asia is living here with Koneko and me,' I think to myself as I remember.
(Flashback to the day after the fight with Kokabiel)
I was with Koneko in her house, watching TV when the doorbell rang. I walked to the door and opened it to see Rias and Asia standing there. Koneko comes from behind me.
Me: "Hi, Rias and Asia. What are you two doing here?" I greet them and ask.
Rias: "Can I ask you both to let Asia live with you? She doesn't want to stay at Issei's house as she's trying to forget about him," she asks. Asia looks at the ground, sad.
Koneko: "It's okay. She can stay if she wants. There is still one available room anyway," she says. Rias thanks her as Asia enters the house with us. "White will take you to your new room," she says and walks to her room.
Me: "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go," I say in a kind tone. Asia nods and follows me. We reach the room. "This is your room. If you need anything, just ask me or Koneko, okay?" I say. She nods.
Asia: "Thank you, White-san, for being kind to all of us," she says, giving me an angelic smile. I blush a little.
Me: "Anyway, I should go. Sleep well," I say and walk to my room.