Chapter 20

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White (infinitetrix) POV

The next day after the peace summit everything goes back normal as me and koneko and Asia and rias and Akeno and Xenovia are all walking to the school together

Akeno: "we should find kiba and Gasper both waiting for us" she said with calm voice

Asia: "why, is there meeting" she asked shyly

Rias: "it's not that Asia but the club needs some cleaning so that's why" she said as Asia nodded

Me: "another job for slapback" I said with lazy tone as everyone chuckles at this

We reach the school gate and saw kiba and Gasper both waiting

Kiba: "president we are here" he said as we all walk to them

Rias: "good now let's go to the club" she said as we all nodded

We all walk towards the club as we entered but before we enter we saw the lights on

Akeno: "did we left the lights on" she asked

Me: "I turned off the lights by myself" I said as everyone took fighting stance ready for any intruder ' it's just azazel but I want to see the look of their faces' I thought to myself trying to hold my laughter

Kiba burst the door open as we saw azazel sitting on rias chair

Azazel: "hello everyone took you some time to get here" he said while smirking as everyone except me was shocked

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Azazel: "hello everyone took you some time to get here" he said while smirking as everyone except me was shocked

Rias: "why are you here" she asked demanding

Azazel: "after some talking with sirzech we got to agreement now I would be the ORC advisor call me now sensie" he said with smirk as everyone eyes wide opened as I start laughing

Koneko: looked at me seriously "you know about this" she asked me as everyone looked at me

Me: rising my hands up "guilty as charge" I said with smirk

Rias: sighs in defeat "I wonder how much knowledge you have" she said smiling a bit

Me: "so azazel is there anything else" I asked him as he looked at me smirking

Azazel: "of course we all are leaving right now to the underworld to train" he said as everyone nodded remembering what rias said yesterday

(flash back yesterday)

We all were in the club as rias and Akeno entered

Rias: "ok everyone tomorrow we all are going to the underworld" she said as we all looked at her

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2024 ⏰

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