Chapter 10

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Koneko POV

Right now me and White are in the club resting after doing some ContrectsI was sitting until Kiba asks me

Kiba: "hi Koneko did White call you or you called him" he asked which I shake my head saying no "I really want to fight again in rematch" he said as Akeno walk in

Akeno: "Hi rias do you know where is issai he said he would help me move some boxes" she asked

White: { probably doing something perverted} he said and I nodded in agreement

Rias: "will let m--" she was cut of as the perv slammed the club door opened

Issei: "president problem the fallens got Asia" he entered the club and shout as president looked at him angry

Rias: "didn't I told you to stay away from the nun" she shouted at him

Issei: "they planning on taking her Secrad gear and it will kill her" he shout to her

Rias: "I don't care she is not out responsibility or have any connection to us" she shout to him

Issei: "how could you say that she is inncont" he said with anger

Rias: "as servent of my household you are not allowed to do anything" she shout out angry at him

Issei: "then I think I will leave this household of yours" he shout out

Rias slap issei in the face so hard as he look shocked

Rias: "don't ever say that" she said angry

Issei: "why would you care after all I am only a pawn" he said a

As I continue watching Kiba tapes on my shoulder

Kiba: "can you follow me" he asked as I nodded

We left the ORC as we were in the way for the church

Me: "you think he will come alone" I ask him

Kiba: "for the few days I met him I know he will" he said as Issei appear as he looked at us

Issei: "what are you both doing here" he asked

Kiba: "we know that you will go for her alone" he said

Issei: "are you going to stand in my way" he asked

Kiba: "we will help you" he said as issei looke at us shocked

Issei: "you both are going to help me" he asked

Me: "even for perverted like you I only here because of Kiba asked my help" I told him

Issei: "thank you both" he said as me and Kiba nodded

White: {finally some action} he said telepathically

Me: {you happy just for fight}

White: {nah you will find out soon} he said as I didn't care that much

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