Chapter 11

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White (infinitetrix) POV

Me and koneko were at the ORC to take some Contreras as koneko were talking to rias I felt the perv give the girls an creepy prevented look

Me:{hi Koneko the perv giving you and rias creepy perverted look} I warned her as looked at him and walk to him and kicked him in the guts

Rias: "issei you shouldn't be perverted around koneko" she warned him

Koneko: "die perv" she said coldly

Issei: "why the guts" he said crying in pain as Asia walk to him so she can heal him

Asia: "issei let me heal you" she said

Koneko: "don't tired yourself Asia" she said and put her hand on Asia shoulder as Asia nodded

Me: {nice kick but you should have kicked him with four arms or better waybig} I said to her jokly

Issei: "even if you kick me I will always be perverted and I will be the harem king" he said proudly but still in pain

Me: {ghostfreak} I said to her

Koneko use me and transform as green light blind them and when they opened it they see

Koneko (ghostfreak): "ghostfreak will teach you some manner" as she starts flying towards him slowly

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Koneko (ghostfreak): "ghostfreak will teach you some manner" as she starts flying towards him slowly

Issei: he panic "sense when you can transform to ghost" he asked scared as rias shake her head and Asia get little scared from the ghost and Akeno have perverted look

Akeno: "Ara Ara I wonder what this transformation can do" she said licking her lips

Koneko fly throw issei as he almost pass out from fear

Koneko (ghostfreak): "the perverted like you should die" she scared him as he run out the ORC

Rias: "koneko yes shouldn't scare him out like that" she said

Koneko press the button on her chest and de-transfom

Koneko: "he deserve it for peeping on me in girls change room" she said coldly

Me: 'what I forget this part I couldn't see her naked and he saw her issei haydou your death will be on my hand' I think coldly 'anyway I think it's time to some upgrades later on' I thought

As everyone returned to thier class and in the end of the day they meet at the ORC

Rias: "ok issei and Asia I think that you both get your familiars" she told them as she show them her bat

Rias: "this my familiar
You meet her issei" she said as he get confused as the bat turn into a girl

Issei: "Wait that girl who give me the filar" he shout out as rias nodded

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