infinitetrix POV
it has been two months since I come to this world and become best friend with the ORC and here, I am skipping the school and staying in koneko hand and for some reason there won't a lot stray devils to deal with and koneko open a lot to me but not enough and now koneko head towards the ORC
me: {hey what do you think rias want} I ask her
koneko: {I don't know May be sacred gear holder} she said and now remember
me: 'so two months has pass and now Issai well meets the fallen who ask him to be his girlfriend
and we continue to walk to the ORC and entered and we see rias and akeno playing chess
akeno: "hi koneko you here" she said smiling at koneko
rias: "koneko I have job for you can you keep watching Issai hyoudou" she said which made koneko feel disgust
koneko: "you mean one of the perverted trio " she asks
rias: "yes koneko I know you hate perverted, but can you keep an eye on him he may have sacred gear" she said and koneko nodded and leave
me: {don't worry ko-chan if he tries anything he will meet alien X and angry one on top of that} I told her, and she smile a little
we then head back to the class and continue the rest of the day while koneko is listening to the teacher I was thinking
me: 'should I go do some exploring and leave for a while and I will give koneko prototype version of me so she can transform and communicate with me if she in danger' I thought but the plan can wait for now
And the school bell rang announcing the end of school hours and koneko left the school and get some ice cream and looked for issai and start to follow him and keep an eye on anything abnormal then issai get on the bridge and there is a girl
me: "fallen" I said
koenko: "yep" she said
then she asks him to be her boyfriend and he accepted instant and choose a day for the date which is in weekend, and she leave and him next
me: "let's hope he die" I said and koneko nod " you have to know I can take his sacred gear" and she doesn't seem to be surprised
koneko: "after all you can do everything you want" she said, and I chuckled a little
and then we head to the ORC to report to rias when we get there, we see everyone
rias: "so koneko how it was" she asks
koneko: " you seem to be right a fallen had ask him on date in the weekend" she said and she nod
kiba: " by the way koneko white didn't come to school today" he ask and she nod " well I can ask him for spar another day" he said
akeno: "yes white is really good in everything I wish he was a part of the peerage" she said
rias: "yes I always see him as little brother and good friend" she said
they comment about me make me blush a lot and I am sure koneko notice it
koneko: {look who is blush} she said
akeno: "and what about you koneko what you think of white sense you two so close" she asks koneko
me: {yes koneko what do you think of me} I told her
koneko: "his good friend and smart and kind I enjoy with him, and he help me in anything I don't understand in the school and give me sweets always he good friend" she said blushing little and make me blush a little because she well fell for me soon, but her blush was notice by akeno
akeno: " good friend or boyfriend~~" she said teasing which make her blush a lot " aww so you like him" she said
koneko: "no no no his only good friend" she said blushing mess
me: {aww just admit you love me ko-chan} I said making her blush more
koneko: "I just need the bathroom" she said and run to the bathroom and lock the door
me: "look who is blushing" I said
koneko: "why you had to be here when this happened" she said
me: "because I am your partner and husband" I said, and she blush
rias POV
me: "I never saw koneko showing a lot of emotion like this before" I said
kiba: "well she seems to like white" he said and me and akeno nodded in agreement
akeno: "I can't blame her she was spending a lot of time with him, and she may be confesses her love for him" she said
me: "this is the worst part she is devil and his human I know he won't tell anyone of we tell about us but maybe he won't love koneko after he found out" I told them
kiba: "then add him to your peerage his swordsmanship and physicality are high he maybe be good rock or knight" he said
me: "you actually right he maybe be good member" I said then koneko get out from the bathroom "koneko what do you think about addi white to my peerage" I said, and she look shock a little and after 10 seconds
koneko: " he will be good member you can ask him when he come to school" she said
me: "then bring him when we bring issai" I told her, and she nod " ok everyone you can go home now" I told them, and they nodded and left 'I am sure with white, and Issai I well get my freedom' I thought and went to my house
infinitetrix POV
after we left koneko transform to XLR8 and head home when get in I de-transform her and I transformed to my human form and sit on the sofa
me: "I didn't think she will think about adding me to her peerage but what shock more is you" I said pointing at her
koneko: "what you want me to say when we deal with the perv you can skip the class pretend to be sick" she said, and I nod " I will take shower and sleep you can go sleep before me" she said and left
me: "well nothing to comment" I said and left to the Guest Room and sleep
normal boring chapter tell me your opinion

FanfictionY/n were an ordinary boy in high school until a truck hit you while saving a child from being hit to find that you got a second chance in life [ this my first story so try go Esay on me ]