Infinitetrix POV
Today me and koneko we're where at class when the school was over we head to the ORC when we entered we see rias slapping issai
Rias: "issai don't ever meet her again" she ordered him angry
Issai: "but Asia is sweat and kind she won't do anything" he argue with her koneko then sit on the couch
Rias: "issai she work with the church and you will get yourself to die and she will be punish" she told him her voice was softening slightly and he nodded but still not happy with it " koneko didn't white come to the school today" she asked
Koneko: "from what the teacher said he won't come until the next week" she said with her emotionless voice {or because he will die by me} she told me telepathically
Me: {ohh come on how would I know she will want to add me to her peerage} I told her and only she sigh inwardly
Rias: "I see will not problem" she said then clap her hands to get everyone attention "we go order from the arkduke to take care of stray it will be a good chance to show issai how do we work" she said and everyone prepared himself
We then head off the ORC to the abandoned factor where the stray hide
Rias: " okay everyone from your information we have the stray is hiding in the abandoned factor we have to kill it" she said which shock issai
Issai: " wait kill I know anything about this do we have to kill it" he asked
Me: 'dude you devil now if they order you to kill it it mean it's criminal' I thought to myself
Rias: " because of killing and devouring the innocence people that's why we have to take care of the stray because they one who betrayed and killed their master" she said and they issai nodded
Koneko: "it's here" she said
From the entrance of the factor we see a naked women
Stray: " well will well what do we have here a food" she said
Rias: "stray viser for the crimes of betraying and killing your master and killing an innocence people you have been found to be guilty" he said and everyone prepared to fight except issai look at her with perverted look
Issai: "I can see her boobs" he shout loud but koneko hit him in the stomach
Me: {nice one koneko} I told her
Then viser show the rest of her body which the upper is a human and the rest is monster
Viser: " come and let me enjoy my meal" she said and her nipples start to shoot laser
Rias: " Kiba" she said and Kiba disappeared
Issai: "woh he disappeared" he said shocked
Rias: " no he just moves so fast and you can't see him his my knight" she said
We then see Kiba appears in front of her and start slashing her to then rise her leg to smash him but he was able to Dodge
Rias: "koneko" she told her and koneko jumped at viser and hit her smash her to ground but viser get up and open her mouth to devour koneko

FanfictionY/n were an ordinary boy in high school until a truck hit you while saving a child from being hit to find that you got a second chance in life [ this my first story so try go Esay on me ]