Unknown bond

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In the cluttered confines of the office, Murtasim, the office boss, meticulously packed his belongings, preparing for an excursion. Naurez, his astute secretary, sauntered in and inquired about his impending departure. Murtasim, with a somber yet resolute tone, mentioned his forthcoming visit to Modern High Girls School. His purpose? An errand of benevolence.

"Sir, your meeting is scheduled for now," Naurez interjected, concern evident in his voice.

Murtasim, undeterred, instructed, "Please, reschedule it."

Naurez, acquiescing to his superior's command, nodded in agreement.

As a trustee of the esteemed institution, Murtasim harbored a noble intention. His destination: the office of Mrs. Rubina, the esteemed principal. His objective: a plea for compassion. The subject of his entreaty: young Sana Saeed, a mere first-grade pupil burdened by financial tribulations.

Sana's plight was dire; her family's financial means scant. The recent misfortune, her father's incapacitating injury, had rendered him unable to provide. The weight of mounting bills threatened to shatter their already fragile existence.

In earnest dialogue with the empathetic principal, Murtasim laid bare the harrowing circumstances that shackled Sana's prospects. Mrs. Rubina, cognizant of her duty as an educator and moved by the narrative of adversity, acceded to Murtasim's entreaty.

Their pact, sealed in secrecy, bore the mark of discretion. Mrs. Rubina vowed to extend clemency to young Sana, sparing her the burden of tuition fees. The clandestine nature of their agreement underscored the sensitivity of the matter; discretion was paramount, confidentiality sacrosanct.

With a shared understanding of the gravity of their pact, Murtasim departed, leaving behind an aura of benevolence that permeated the sanctum of the office. In the corridors of Modern High Girls School, a glimmer of hope emerged, a beacon of compassion illuminating the path for young little girl like Sana.

As Murtasim emerged from the corridors of the school, his eyes alighted upon the vibrant tableau of youthful exuberance. The playground echoed with the laughter and camaraderie of children engrossed in their innocent revelry.

Just as the melodious chime of the bell beckoned the children back to their classrooms, a sudden commotion caught Murtasim's attention. Amidst the flurry of motion, a small figure stumbled, her delicate form succumbing to the uneven terrain. A gasp escaped her lips as she tumbled to the ground, her knees bearing the brunt of the fall.

Tears welled in her eyes as she cradled her injured knees, the sting of pain mirrored in her anguished cries. Murtasim, his heart stirred by compassion, swiftly closed the distance between them. With nimble strides, he knelt beside the distraught child, his gaze softening as it fell upon her tear-streaked visage.

Her doe eyes, framed by lashes glistening with unshed tears, captured his attention, evoking a sense of déjà vu. The fair complexion, the cherubic cheeks adorned with the remnants of childhood innocence-each feature seemed to echo a memory, a fragment of a past he had once cherished.

Unbeknownst to Murtasim, the sight of the distressed child stirred a torrent of emotions within him, resurrecting memories long relegated to the recesses of his consciousness. In the depths of her tearful gaze, he glimpsed a reflection of his own vulnerability, a poignant reminder of a love lost to the sands of time.

With tender care, Murtasim gently brushed aside the tears that marred her cheeks, his touch imbued with a paternal warmth. In that fleeting moment of connection, amidst the backdrop of a bustling schoolyard, a silent bond was forged-a bond that transcended the boundaries of age and circumstance, uniting two souls in a shared moment of solace and compassion.

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