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Let's get started 😊

Today is Nikaah of Ayaan and Marium and rukshati will too take place today only as decided by both families,

During the past week,the preparations of Nikaah was going on guests were coming from all over to be part of Murtasim 's only sister marriage as it is a grand affair .

All the other functions of the wedding were not kept that grand due to Salma begum's health issues and Murtasim don't have much close relatives ,so they opted to go for small function in Khan Mansion only ,

Marium too wanted it like that to celebrate the mayoun,haldi, mehndi with her close friends and enjoying each function without the worry of pretending to be a shy bride who acts a certain way to please all the mostly unknown relatives whose only motive remains is to gossip about the bride, jewellery, decoration,food and how it could have been much better as they can find negative even if it's not there and she doesn't want any such kind of guests who will spoil her mood on her own wedding functions and her mother could too enjoy with her instead of taking tension of looking after the guests ,though there were enough servants to look after the guests that may have come to attend those functions but Murtasim's mother came from old school thought where host looks after the guests needs themselves so they don't face any issue and in all this things,she would have neglected her own health,

Murtasim after knowing that Meerab is going to be sister in law of Marium thought to call off the wedding because he doesn't want to face Meerab again or to see her with anyone else who is not him,but then he thought "No" he can't be this selfish 😞,he can't snatch away her sister's happiness just because of Meerab,and Ayaan is a nice guy who really loves his sister,even if he himself try to find some other suitable suitor,he would not be able to find anyone else that would love her sister like Ayaan does ,the love he has seen in his eyes for the sister was enough to give him assurance that Ayaan is the right guy for her and even if he finds someone else worthy of her sister , Marium would not accept him or be happy like she is now ,

Murtasim never saw Marium this happy since their father's death and he can't do this injustice with Marium just because he didn't get Meerab doesn't mean Marium too can't get Ayaan,for him Marium's happiness is superior so he made his heart understand that nothing can be done now,he just needs to ignore Meerab from now on that's it.

The before wedding rituals  were done at Khan Mansion,for each function there were different themes and set up was made according to that theme ,all functions theme was chosen by Marium how she liked it to be ,everything was catered according to her preference,she had also decided dress code for each function like for mayoun dress code was yellow shade ,mehndi it was green shade,she decided to have desi theme fair at her Mehndi functions ,were the set up would be  outside area of the house which also includes the large garden of the Khan Mansion, different food stalls set up was also made which included mouth watering foods like PaniPuri,Dahi vada,Chai,Kulfi and many such small stalls with different delicacy  so people could have fun while eating too and enjoy the function without missing anything, dhol, nagarein with Punjabi Bhangra dancer were also arranged for that day,

Marium wanted Meerab and Zoya to attend the functions too though the groom and bride side don't celebrate this functions together unless they are living in the same home,so even if she doesn't invite Meerab it would be fine,

But still Marium calls Meerab to invite her to attend all the functions that would take place at her home but Meerab denied her saying with Zoya and all the house works along with the wedding preparations going on in their house ,it will not be possible for her to attend any functions for her but Marium emotionally tried to force her but still Meerab didn't agree ,

Marium then asked her mother to call Meerab's mother in law and take permission so she couldn't deny her mother's request ,

Salma begum called Mumtaz (Meerab MIL) at first she denied Salma begum request by giving excuse that they were also busy with the wedding preparations and Meerab needs to be with her to decide everything as already the wedding was taking place in such a hurry there so much work left to be done,

Meerab was hearing their conversation and was glad when her mother in law denied their request she too wanted that though she could not avoid Murtasim always but  where she can ,she would and though this functions were an all ladies functions and Murtasim would not be present but still she didn't want to take the risk to come in front of him again which was very much possible in his house.

But Salma begum was also adamant and told her it's ok if Meerab couldn't attend all functions but she has to send her for at least one function and she wouldn't take no for an answer ,

Mumtaz knew its not right to deny her if she's requesting so much so she agreed that she would send Meerab to attend the Mehndi function along with Zoya,

Meerab knew then that she will have to attend the functions she can't say no to her mother in law,but she prayed for Murtasim not be present in the house during Mehndi and she doesn't have to face him,

The day of Mehndi came soon, Meerab and Zoya both was ready and sat in the car to attend Marium's Mehndi,Zoya was very excited to attend the functions as she has never been to any such functions before and some which she attended she couldn't remember as she was too small,she was asking all sorts of questions about this function what happens in it what will they do there and many more such things because she was a curious kid and wanted answer from her mother about everything she wants to know, Zoya was excited and happy as she was going to meet her Prince Uncle too,

Meerab on the other hand was tensed on the inside,many thoughts were running on her mind,will Murtasim be present there,if yes how will she avoid him so it doesn't look suspicious to other guest ,will he try to talk to her like that day,or ask her questions about Asher ,many more things,she was thinking all this while replying to Zoya's questions simultaneously after sometime car comes to halt in front of Khan Mansion and Meerab knew its time to be strong to face everything that comes her way like she always did.


So guys here is your update, if you like the chapter then vote and comment how you feel about this chapter I would love to read and reply to each  of your comments 😄,

I know chapters is short but try to bear with it as I get very less time for writing but still I try to update whatever I can to give fast update to you guys I hope u guys will understand my situation 😅,plz ignore the typos 😭

Till next time, goodbye lovely readers 😊.

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