Part 4 (M)

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After my performance, I swiftly made my way back to the dressing room, eager to retrieve my robe before heading to the VIP room. With each step, I mentally rehearsed my entrance, reminding myself to exude confidence despite the nerves bubbling within. Upon reaching the door of the VIP room, I took a moment to collect myself, smoothing down my attire and adjusting my demeanor to mask any signs of unease. With a deep breath, I turned the knob and gently pushed open the door, revealing a captivating sight: a stunning woman gracefully seated on one of the plush couches, her presence commanding attention as she awaited my arrival.

"Why did it take you so long to join me here, Ms. Maxine?" she inquired, her voice carrying a raspy yet elegant undertone that hinted at years of experience and wisdom.

"I apologize for any delay, Ms. Waraha," I replied, feeling a mixture of relief and apprehension at being in her presence.

"No need to fret, my dear. Please, come closer," she beckoned with a graceful gesture, her expression warm and inviting as she welcomed me into the intimate space of the VIP room. With each step towards her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mingled with curiosity, wondering what secrets and insights this enigmatic woman held within her captivating presence.

As I stood there, facing the woman before me, I silently commanded myself to maintain composure. "Calm down, Charlotte," I whispered inwardly, determined to keep my focus intact despite the captivating presence of the woman in front of me. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling within, I anchored myself to the present moment, reminding myself of the importance of staying grounded in this encounter. With each breath, I steadied my nerves, drawing upon inner reserves of strength and resolve to resist the allure of distraction and maintain a poised demeanor.

"I appreciate your offer, but I'm quite comfortable right where I am," I responded tersely, though internally, I was already preparing for what seemed like an impending confrontation.

Her voice dripped with intimidation as she leaned in, tauntingly asking, "Come on, Ms. Maxine, are you scared of me?"

Maintaining my composure, I retorted, "Of course not, Ms. Waraha. Why should I be scared of you?" I met her gaze with unwavering confidence, refusing to show any signs of vulnerability.

As the tension hung thick in the air, I decided to take control of the situation. "So, Ms. Waraha, what brings you here? Ms. C mentioned you wanted to speak with me," I inquired, finally relenting and taking a seat nearby.

With a directness that caught me off guard, she boldly declared, "You know exactly what I want, Maxine. I want you."

Her words hung in the air, leaving me stunned by her audacity. It was clear that this conversation was about to take a turn I hadn't anticipated.

She was so bold it turns me on so much the eagerness to grab her and kiss her right now is driving me crazy. Hearing her raspy voice makes me horny.

What is this woman doing to me?

Her sharp retort sliced through the silence like a knife, leaving me momentarily speechless. "Did you swallow your tongue, Maxine?" she jeered, her tone laced with mockery.

Regaining my composure, I squared my shoulders and met her gaze head-on. "No, I'm just processing the audacity of your proposition," I replied evenly, refusing to let her intimidation tactics get the best of me.

Her sudden shift in demeanor caught me off guard as she extended a glass of wine towards me. "I like you, Maxine. Here, drink this," she urged, her tone almost pleading.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I declined the wine, maintaining a cautious distance. "What do you truly want, Ms. Waraha?" I questioned, unable to shake off the suspicion lingering in the back of my mind. "Aren't you the CEO of Skyline Builders? How do you find the time to frequent a place like this? Aren't you afraid of the potential repercussions of being seen in a strip club?" I pressed, my curiosity overcoming any apprehension I felt.

As she rose from her seat, her proximity sent a shiver down my spine. "I've made myself clear, Maxine. I want you," she declared, closing the distance between us until our faces were mere inches apart, our breaths mingling in the charged atmosphere.

Despite the intensity of the moment, I maintained my resolve, refusing to succumb to the allure of her advances. "Ms. Waraha, this isn't appropriate," I asserted, gently but firmly pushing back against her invasive presence.

Her words fell like a hushed command, urging me to abandon reason and give in to the moment. Before I could protest further, her lips met mine in a passionate embrace, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my veins.

For a brief, fleeting moment, I allowed myself to be swept away by the intensity of her kiss, the world around us fading into oblivion. But as quickly as it had begun, I pulled away, my senses reeling as I struggled to regain my composure.

"Ms. Waraha, this can't happen," I insisted, my voice barely above a whisper, my resolve strengthened by the realization that some lines should never be crossed.

"Stop refusing me Maxine" she said and was about to remove my mask but I grabbed her hand and stopped her.



"Come back tomorrow, you wouldn't have me easily Ms. Waraha work for it" I said in a sensual voice.

I pushed her back on the couch and sit on her lap I kissed her again our tongue fight for dominance I then bit her lips which made her moan. I stop kissing her and looked at her.

"Why did you stop?" she asked panting

"We wouldn't do it Ms. Waraha, I told you if you want me work for it. Now I have to go it's getting late go home too I don't want you wondering around here without me" I said in a sensual voice

"I like that being possesive towards me" she said with a sly smirked on her face

"Goodnight Ms. Waraha" I said and finally leave.

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