Part 20

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Being accepted by Charlotte's dad was one of the best things that ever happened to me. His respect for Charlotte's decisions and her choices in life spoke volumes about the kind of person he was. I really appreciated how he handled everything with such openness and understanding, especially toward our relationship. It was something I didn’t take lightly. I felt incredibly blessed, not just to have Charlotte, but to be embraced by her family as well. The love and respect they showed me made me feel truly accepted.

We spent the evening talking with Mr. Austin, losing track of time as the conversation flowed easily. It wasn’t until I noticed Charlotte yawning beside me that I realized how late it had gotten. Mr. Austin and I had been chatting for almost three hours, and Charlotte had refused to go to bed, determined to stay by my side.

"Ahm, Dad, as much as I want to stay, it's getting late. I think I should go home. I'm afraid it's past your bedtime already," I said, feeling a bit guilty for keeping him up so late.

"Oh right, it's 10 o'clock already. I'm sorry, I didn’t notice the time," he replied, glancing at the clock.

"It's okay, Dad. I enjoyed this night actually. But I should go because it's getting late," I said, starting to stand up.

"But it's already too dark outside, baby. You might fall asleep while driving," Charlotte chimed in, concern lacing her voice.

"Charlotte is right, you should stay, Engfa. You can stay in Charlotte's room," Dad added, his tone leaving little room for argument.

"It's okay, Dad. Baby, I can manage. Besides, I'm used to driving late at night," I reassured them, but I could see the worry etched on Charlotte's face.

"No, I wouldn't let you drive alone," Charlotte insisted, her voice firm. I could tell she wasn't going to back down.

"Just say yes, Engfa. This girl is stubborn you won’t win against her," Dad said with a chuckle, clearly amused by our back-and-forth.

I looked at Mr. Austin, still a bit hesitant. "Is it okay with you, Dad?" I asked, wanting to make sure he was truly comfortable with it.

"Of course, it's okay. Go upstairs now and get ready for bed. Charlotte, darling, take care of Engfa, okay?" he said warmly.

"Yes, Dad," Charlotte replied, giving me a gentle smile.

As we headed upstairs, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness. Tonight had gone better than I could have ever imagined. Not only had I met Charlotte’s dad, but I also gained his approval and respect. It was more than I could have hoped for. As we walked to Charlotte’s room, I squeezed her hand, feeling grateful for everything she had done for me. This was just the beginning of something beautiful, and I was ready to face whatever came our way, knowing we had her father's blessing.


As we head to my room, I’m still riding the high of tonight's events. Knowing that Dad approved of my relationship with Engfa has lifted a weight off my shoulders. It makes me so happy to see how well they got along, and I feel incredibly lucky. But as we approach my room, a small worry creeps in. My room isn’t anything like the spacious, luxurious penthouse Engfa is used to. It’s modest, small, and not at all fancy. I hesitate for a moment, fearing she might not feel comfortable here.

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