2.1 Bridge Troubles

604 17 3

Date: May 26, 2021

Y/N: I'm an idiot.

Y/N was lying down on a sofa in a psychiatrist's office. He was going through a lot and had a few issues on his mind. He thought it'd be best to see a specialist, but as his adult-self, of course.

Y/N: I don't deserve these powers, if I'm being honest. I was chosen as a last ditch effort. A Hail Mary. And, like, what am I even contributing? There's already a superhero with a red suit, with a lightning bolt on it. And I'm fast, but he's faster. I think. I've never actually raced him. Aquaman is literally huge, and he's so manly and Batman is so cool! And I'm just me. Heck, I don't even have an official hero name.

Doctor: You understand I'm a pediatrician, right?

He pointed over to a little kids corner with toys and dolls. Y/N stood up.

Y/N: Oh... Oh, I'm sorry. I think I'm in the wrong room. I'm looking for Dr. Parker.

Doctor: Bill Parker is two doors down.

Y/N: Alright. My mistake. Thanks.

Y/N walked out and went two doors down to Dr. Parker's office. He repeated the same things there while lying down on a couch.

Y/N: I mean, there's already much cooler superheroes who have the same powers as I do. What do I have that's unique? Lightning and magic, I guess, if I could ever get that second one down. But now six of us have these powers, so I just feel even less unique. Some of them can even do a a better job than me. I just feel like I'm unworthy of these gifts. And I can't say this to anyone else, 'cause my family looks to me as a leader, but I feel like a fraud.

Dr. Parker: It sounds like you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. And often, that originates from trauma early in life. If you don't mind me asking, how well do you remember your childhood.

Y/N: Better than you realize.

Dr. Parker: Okay. And have you experienced any traumatic events? Anything that may leave an impression?

Y/N: What haven't I experienced? Um, I never met my dad. My mom abandoned me at a Christmas carnival. I spent a lot of time in the foster system, ran away from twenty-three homes, got into a lot of fights. Then I was abducted by a wizard who gave me superpowers and then dude just, like, died in front of my face. A doctor conjured seven demons and held my whole family hostage, so we had to rip out one of his eyeballs, and then everybody got superpowers,, but now everyone's kind of, like, doing their own thing and I'm the only one trying to keep everybody together.

The psychiatrist looked at Y/N with bug eyes. That was a lot more trauma than he was looking for. After a moment, he adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

Dr. Parker: Okay. Let's process that, right? Rejected by your parents, then by the system, and now rejected by a city you try to protect.

Y/N: Woah, I never said I was rejected by my city.

The doctor reached down and pulled up a copy of the morning paper. The front page showed a photo of Y/N along with the headline "Rejected by City."

Y/N: That's the Tribune. Nobody reads the Tribune.

Dr. Parker: I do.

Y/N: Wow. Thanks, doc.

Dr. Parker: Listen, I would just focus on talking with your family. It sound like you're going through a transitional phase right now. The best that I can offer is to think it over and talk about it with the people closest to you. They may be able to help you through this.

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