4.3 World on Fire

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The team tried to find any door that would open. They all remained closed. Not a single one worked. The device most likely had something to do with it, they just didn't know what. They tried for hours to get any of the doors to open. Mary even looked in the library for answers. Nothing.

When all else failed, Eugene suggested a makeshift device of their own. Using cables and the generator they had set up in their lair, they hooked up the main door they used to get into their home. 

Y/N: This better work.

Eugene: On three. 1... 2... 3!

They flipped the switch. Electricity coursed through the generator and into the door. After a few moments, they tried to open it. It was still locked. They were all starting to really become worried.

Darla: What are we going to do?

Y/N: I don't know. But we'll find a way. There's got to be some way of reigniting the spark. 

They all sat around trying to think of something. After a bit of time, they sat there puzzled. Suddenly, they all heard something. The door looked like it was jiggling. It shook as if some force behind it were trying to push it open.

Just then, a bright light emanated from the door and it was thrust open. Smoke billowed out of the now open doorway. The six looked on at what could have caused it. There, standing in the doorway, was the wizard. Behind him stood another figure hidden in the shadows.

The wizard looked at all of them. In his hand he held onto his staff, the tip of it glowing blue. He had regrown his beard into a set of braids and his hair was longer. He was now wearing a pair of washed out red and white robes. The wizard then noticed something in the room. His eyes went wide when he saw the device sitting on a small table.

Y/N: Dude, where have you-

The wizard entered the room and pushed past him. He looked angry. He brought up the staff and smashed the device to pieces. After his fit of rage, he calmed down and spoke in a booming voice.

Wizard: Enough of that! That pestilent worm has caused enough trouble as it is.

The others looked at him in shock. He stood up and looked at all of them. His eyes fell on Y/N.

Wizard: Champion, how could you be so reckless?! Do you not know the terror you are dealing with? The damage you have wrought onto your world?!

Y/N: Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you on about? What damage? We stopped Mr. Mind and Sivana, or at least foiled their plans. What could they have done in the past few hours since we've been gone.

Wizard: Hours?! You have been gone from your realm for an entire year! The Earth is in chaos!

Y/N fell back in utter disbelief and shock.

Y/N: What?!

At that moment, the other figure stepped through the door. He wore a light grey suit with a familiar emblem on his chest. A black cape and mask covered his neck. On the top of his head sat two pointed ears. 


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