3.3 Investigative Journalism

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Superman, Captain Marvel, and Captain Everypower flew towards one of the nations bordering Kahndaq. They landed on the tarmac outside of an A.R.G.U.S. facility. Some of the soldiers present stopped what they were doing, mesmerized by the three figures in capes. Freddy held up his hands, working the crowd.

Freddy: At ease, gentlemen. Just your typical hero work.

The three walked towards the entrance. Superman nodded to one of the soldiers who allowed them inside. They walked down the concrete halls of the facility. Y/N noted some of the soldiers and officers eyeing the heroes with lightning bolts on their chests. 

While they walked down the hall, the three were met by a shorter woman with a frown on her face. She was dark skinned with black hair. A string of pearls wrapped around her neck. She wore a red jacket over a black shirt and pants. She looked annoyed while she spoke to the man of steel.

Waller: I thought you claimed yourself to be a man of peace

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Waller: I thought you claimed yourself to be a man of peace. That wasn't peace I saw out there. And isn't recruitment more the Bat's thing?

Clark: Adam is stronger than even you know. These gentlemen are here because they have a connection with him. They may be able to get through to him in ways we cannot.

Waller: From what I've seen, there's no reasoning with him. Besides, I've seen what the Philadelphia Fiascos have been up to. Can't even stop one superpowered being without leveling a national stadium.

Freddy: Actually, the Fiascos is not our official name. We're still workshopping it a bit...

He stopped when she looked at him sternly. Freddy backed up while Waller spoke to Clark.

Waller: Are you sure about these two?

Y/N: Lady, we may not fully know what we're doing, but we know what we can do.

She looked at him while Y/N pondered, trying to make sense of his own argument.

Y/N: That came out wrong. My point is that we're here to help.

Clark grinned a bit at the man in the (f/c) suit. He introduced the two of them.

Clark: Captains, this is Amanda Waller, Director of A.R.G.U.S. She's been helping to try and subdue Adam.

Y/N: Pleasure to meet you. So what exactly is it you guys do? I've never really heard of you.

Waller: A.R.G.U.S. is in charge of tackling more... otherworldly threats. The kinds in which even superpowered beings such as yourself may have a hard time facing.

Freddy: So, kinda like the Men in Black. That's cool.

Y/N nodded and gave a thumbs up before switching back to a serious face.

Y/N: Well, this magic stuff is a bit more our territory. We don't want to be involved in this war, only Adam. 

Waller: And I'm sure you will. Black Adam has a pension for those deemed superior to him. With any luck, he'll find you before you find him.

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