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The family was all gathered in the Rock of Eternity. Staying in their mortal forms, they found a special room to celebrate their victory. After everything that had happened over the past year, they all just wanted time to relax and be together in peace.

The team had found a special room in the Rock, one once used for grand feasts. Large tables full of homemade food and deserts lined the back wall. In the center of the room was what appeared to be a large tree. Its buds glowed a brilliant, warm light. Some of them fell off the branches and floated in the air, appearing like stars in the dimly lit room. 

Freddy walked over to a record player and selected a song. He turned it on and hobbled over to Anne. He held out his hand to her.

Freddy: May we dance?

Anthea grinned and shook her head at his antics. She accepted his offer, placing his crutch to the side. Freddy used his girlfriend to keep balance, swaying with the music.

The others in the room slow danced with their significant others. Rosa swayed with Victor, leaning her head in the crook of his neck, the two holding each other close. Y/N danced with Kara, the two both trying to figure out the dance, one not used to the human customs and the other not the best dancer.

The two swayed in each other's hold, eventually finding their footage. They smiled warmly at each other, each trying to hide a blush. They were unsure of what to say to one another. Kara then listened carefully to the lyrics in the song that was playing. She shook her head at the mention of her cousin.

Kara: Bit on the nose, don't you think?

Y/N: Hey, I'm not the one who chose the song. If you'd like to file a complaint, I'd suggest taking it up with Freddy.

The black haired girl chuckled, shaking her head. She then brought it back up and gazed into Y/N's (e/c) eyes.

Kara: No, it's perfect.

The two star struck heroes grinned, happy to be in each other's presence. Seeing what Victor and Rosa were doing, Kara eventually slid her head to rest between Y/N's chest and shoulder. The young man was caught off guard at first, but continued swaying with her, placing his arm around her back. Kara snaked her own arms around his waist as if hugging him.

From the corner of the room, the wizard looked on at Y/N with Kara. He grinned, looking on at his chosen one with pride. The old man spoke in a voice low enough that only he could hear. 

Wizard: Well done, Champion.

The three couples continued dancing in the light of the room. After a bit, Kara brought her head back, still holding onto Y/N. Then, as the last refrain of the song began to play, she slowly started to float in the air, rising up closer to the lights with Y/N in her arms. The young man was startled, not being used to flying in his mortal form. However, he soon calmed down when he looked into Kara's eyes. She gave him a reassuring smile.

Kara: It's okay. I've got you.

Y/N then smiled back and relaxed. He balanced his feet on Kara's toes as the two spun around, dancing in the air together. As the song finished, they looked at each other. The two then decided to close the gap between them. Their heads came closer together, their lips meeting in a soft embrace. The two heroes shared a nice, soft kiss amongst the glowing lights surrounding them.

Far off in one of the old realms, a giant brute of a figure looked on from a high citadel. He had his arms crossed behind him as he gazed upon thousands of soldiers buzzing around the magma filled wasteland around him. The grey skinned brute stood tall and proud, his eyes glowing a deep red.

Soon, one of the brute's most trusted advisors approached him from behind. He had news to deliver to his master, although he was unsure of how he would take it. The advisor was slightly shorter, wearing a black cloak over his body.

DeSaad: My lord, the realms were momentarily touched. We think there may be a way to once again access our old ways.

Darkseid: Yes, I have felt it.

DeSaad: There is also other news. The old gods have returned to Earth. Their powers live on in the form of these so called "champions."

Darkseid scowled for a moment, but wasn't entirely caught off guard by the news.

Darkseid: I am aware, DeSaad. They will not faulter me again as they once did.

DeSadd: What are you to do, my lord?

Darkseid looked on at his armada, already preparing for his plans.

Darkseid: The worm that ravaged their land was pathetic, but his plans were not entirely worthless. They just require a bit more... input.

Darkseid then turned around, addressing his advisor. He brought up his hand, closing it into a clenched fist.

Darkseid: Soon, their world will fall under the might of Apokolips. Anti-Life will be mine.

 Anti-Life will be mine

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