3.1 The Man of Steel meets the Man in Black

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Date: November 17, 2021

The battlefield was pure chaos. Troops from Kahndaq and its neighboring nations were at war with each other. The neighboring countries were backed by A.R.G.U.S. while the people of Kahndaq fought using weapons left over by the formerly present Intergang military operation. 

Tanks rolled through the desert and soldiers fought using weapons both new and old. The desert sand was stormed with explosives and the movement of war. Nothing could beat the real challenge, though. On the battlefield fought two of the most powerful men on Earth.

Superman was engaged against an equally strong opponent. The last son of Krypton flew through the air, throwing a punch at his opponent. The other man fell back a bit, but quickly reengaged. The yellow lightning bolt on his chest glistened in the sun, contrasted with his black suit and cape. 

Black Adam fired a bolt of lightning at the man of steel. Superman fell back and was pushed to the ground. He left a deep imprint in the sand as he skid across the desert floor. He may be strong, but he soon found there was one thing he was vulnerable to. Magic. 

Superman stood back up and soared off to reengage his foe. Adam fired another bolt of lightning, but the man in blue and red dodged it. He fired red laser beams from his eyes, hitting Adam in the chest and pushing him onto the ground.

Superman fired another set of laser beams. Adam held up his hand, blocking it. His hand burned, but he pushed through. He eventually jumped up and delivered a powerful punch to the Kryptonian's jaw. Superman was sent high into the air.

Clark looked back down to see what Adam was doing. The man in black picked up a downed tank by its barrel. He swung it over his back and threw it up at the man of steel. 

Superman quickly dodged the flying tank. However, he looked as it came back down and was about to hit a company of soldiers. Superman quickly flew down and caught the tank before it could hit the ground. He placed it down gently so it wouldn't harm anyone.

Adam looked at the strong man, intrigued. So that was his true weakness. People. Adam flew into the air and fired several strands of lightning towards the A.R.G.U.S. forces. Their tanks and jeeps exploded. Superman used his super-speed to run in and grab as many troops as possible, carrying them to safety. 

Some of the troops fired at Adam. He was knocked back by one of their missiles. Looking at himself, he quickly realized what it was. The explosive was powered by eternium. Enraged, Adam's body began to sparkle and surge with electricity. He flew towards the ground and delivered a devastating punch to the desert sand.

A shockwave of sand and lightning pushed back anyone within a ten meter radius. Adam looked up and admired his work. Just then, a quick blur came in and punched him. Superman turned around and used his speed to delivery another blow. He tried a third time, but Adam was found to be just as fast. Black Adam caught Superman. He held him by the neck and slammed him onto the ground. 

Adam: Kneel. 

Clark refused to yield and fired his heat vision at Adam. The man in black let go as Superman rose. The man of steel then used his ice breath to cool down Adam. He encased the man in black in a frozen prison. When it appeared that Adam was subdued for the time being, Superman flew over to some of the soldiers. He helped them up, making sure they got to safety.

Clark: Are you alright? Get up. Seek medical attention.

Just then, Adam broke free of his icy prison. While Superman was talking, he flew in and grabbed him from behind. The two struggled in the air with Clark eventually pushing away from him.

Adam fired another bolt of lightning. Superman met him with his heat vision. The two were caught in a beam lock. However, Adam's lightning quickly overpowered Clark's lasers. Superman stumbled and was pushed back by the lightning.

Adam then supercharged his fist. His eyes glowed white while his hands sparkled with electricity. He quickly flew in and punched Superman. The man of steel was pushed back before being thrown up into the air by another powerful punch. 

Adam flew up to meet him halfway. He grabbed Kal El's red cape and swung him around. He tossed him hard onto the ground. Superman fell and landed on his back, forming a small crater in the sand. Adam landed on top of him and began pounding him with a series of lightning-powered punches. The sand around them turned to glass. 

After a few hits, Adam stopped. Superman's chest was bruised and he struggled to pick himself up. Adam glared down at his foe. 

Adam: Give up. There is no one on Earth who can match my power.

Superman thought for a moment. There was someone. Someone he knew who might stand a chance. The man of steel used his speed and quickly flew off, away from the battlefield. Adam watched him go. He was about to give chase, but heard an explosion behind him. His troops needed aid, and he would give it to them. Anything to protect his country. 

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