1.2 Chosen by the Wizard

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It was Y/N's first day at his new school. He was dropped off the bus and walked in with the five other kids. Y/N was already a bit irritated as it was. And Darla would not stop talking.

Darla: Big school. 2,000 students, you might think "Wow, so many strangers." But not if you think of them as possible future friends. Then it's, "Wow, so many friends." The principal, her name's Shirley. She's the best.

The group entered the school and were scanned through metal detectors. Darla pointed to the man handling her bag.

Darla: This is our security scanner. Like in an airport. It's totally safe.

Y/N: I know what it is.

He turned back to the other boys behind him.

Y/N: Does she always do this?

Eugene was too preoccupied with the game in his hand. Pedro simply nodded, confirming Y/N's question.

Darla: Silence makes me uncomfortable.

Eugene: She's almost never uncomfortable.

The group walked through the check in and stepped towards the halls. Before she left for class, Darla wrapped her arms around Y/N in a hug.

Darla: Have a good first day, big brother.

Y/N: Look, you don't have to hug me all the time. We're not actually brother and sister, so...

The look on the little girl's face immediately dropped. She looked both disappointed and ashamed.

Darla: I'm sorry.

She walked over to Freddy to head to class. Y/N felt kinda bad for what he said. He never meant to hurt her feelings.

Y/N: I didn't mean to make her...

Freddy waved him off, letting him know he'd take care of it. Y/N stood there in the hall, feeling bad about himself.

Later, Y/N was eating his lunch alone at one of the tables. He liked being alone. It left him time to think. He was interrupted by Freddy walking in and placing his own tray next to Y/N.

Freddy: Flight or invisibility? If you could have one super power, flight or invisibility, what would you pick? 

Y/N didn't respond, trying to ignore him. 

Freddy: I mean, everybody chooses flight. You know why?

Y/N: So they can fly away from this conversation?

Freddy: No. 'Cause heroes fly. And who doesn't want people to think they're a hero, right?

Y/N stood up and took his tray with him as Freddy continued talking.

Freddy: But invisibility, no way. I mean, that's pervy. Spying around on people who don't even know you're there. Sneaking around everywhere. It's a total villain power, right?

He was practically shouting now. Everyone in the lunch room looked over at him. Freddy quickly got up and made his way over to Y/N. Y/N poured his remaining lunch down the garbage chute, pocketing a protein bar for later. 

Freddy: Then they did this study, and this is a real thing. They asked people the same question. You know, what power do you want? But this time, they made it so the answers were anonymous. And most people, since they knew that it was a secret, said invisibility. And I think that's 'cause most people don't feel like heroes on the inside, deep down.

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