2.5 Negotiations

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The citizens off Philadelphia continued to try and live under the dome. The National Guard had been called in, but they couldn't make a dent. Tunneling under the city only revealed the dome to extend downwards, forming an entire sphere around the populace. To make matters worse, the city was beginning to heat up with record temps due to the heat trapped in the sphere.

Y/N sat at an outside diner with two baskets of food. It was two orders of Philly cheesesteaks. He would have chosen somewhere nicer, but this was the only place he could afford. He sat there waiting, bouncing his leg in anticipation. A nearby citizens called out to him.

Man: Yo, Low Voltage. When you fixing this dome shit, man?

Y/N turned around to address him.

Y/N: Oh, no, no, no, don't worry, sir. I'm working on it right now.

Man: Really?

Y/N: Yeah.

Man: Uh-huh. 'Cause it look like all you got is a sandwich.

Y/N: It's a peace offering. These sandwiches are important.

Man: Yeah, sure, Colonel Cheesesteak. 

The man waved him off.

Y/N: Colonel? Oh, boy, I really need a name.

Y/N turned back around and was startled by a silver haired woman sitting in front of him. She glared at him with sunken yet strict eyes. Y/N noted the gold armor and crown she was wearing.

Y/N: Quiet one, she is. 

Hespera: I find it the most effective way to slit an enemy's throat.

Y/N: Right. So, uh, look, here's the thing. I get it, you're upset. A bunch of wizards came and stole your powers and trapped you in a dying realm. I get that. But, my family and I were not involved with that. That was millennia ago. So, I don't really get why you're taking this all personally against us.

Hespera: If thieves stormed your home in the night and stole all your coin and then fled, you would naturally give chase, would you not?

Y/N: I suppose so.

Hespera: And say, in this pursuit the thieves dropped the money on the ground and your neighbor picked it up and kept it. Now, imagine it is not money, but the lifeblood of your father. The last breath of your mother. The power of all the gods, the magic of the entire realm that was stolen. And now this magic courses through you, and you have the gall to believe that you deserve it? This is very personal, Y/N.

Y/N squirmed in his seat. She knew his name and looked angry. He then recomposed himself and crossed his hands on the table.

Y/N: You are very menacing. I just want you to know that. Like, I really... I see the presence that you have, and that goes a long way. But today, I really wanted to talk about compromise.

Hespera: There is no compromise.

Y/N: I had a feeling you'd say that, but I wanted to try anyways. I am offering, pleading with you to give back Freddy and take down the dome. Look at these people. The people trying to live their everyday lives. They don't deserve this. They're not a part of our feud. Look, I get why you're upset and why we look like thieves to you, but that doesn't mean we can't talk like civilized people. We need to be rational here. Not like old Spartans from 3,000 B.C. who don't even know what a toilet looks like.

Hespera: Your desire to care for others is admirable, I will give you that. Give us the powers, child. All of them. You are no leader, Y/N. You are not a god. You are a lost boy who likes to make-believe that he's a warrior.

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