4.10 The Last Stand

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The sky was dark as storm clouds rose overhead. Dead trees, bare dirt, and dried bushes filled the land. The city surrounding the area was dark and cold, all lights were off as people hid indoors, afraid to even step foot outside their homes.

Inside the dark, cylindrical tower in the middle of a park in Philadelphia, Doctor Sivana continued to work on his pet project. With the magic of the gods restored, it was only a matter of time before the champions showed up to confront them.

Inside his glass tube in the middle of the room, Mr. Mind continued to feed off of the magic being drained through the tower. The metal coils around the place continued to sparkle and crack with energy. The small worm glared over at Sivana.

Mr. Mind: I sense much stress in you, doctor.

Sivana: Of course I'm stressed! All your plans to stop those children have failed! They'll soon be after us.

Mr. Mind: It is of no consequence. Soon, We will have enough magic to conquer all seven realms.

Sivana: Yeah, well at least I'm doing something about our predicament and not sitting around in a glass tube for months on end.

Mr. Mind: All in good time, doctor. All in good time.

Sivana: You've been saying that, but...

He stopped when a crackling sound was heard. The two of them listened carefully. All the loudspeakers both around the park and the neighboring blocks were turned on. Soon, a voice began to boom out of them.

Freddy: People of Philadelphia, for too long you have lived in fear and anxiety. For too long have we let these despotic rulers control both our city and our world. I tell you the time has come for you to fear no more. We are here to liberate you from the clutches of these pests. People of Earth, your champions have arrived!

Sivana gritted his teeth and look over at Mr. Mind.

Sivana: They're here!

Mr. Mind: And they shall be vanquished. Release the "heroes."

Freddy continued to monologue over the loudspeakers. 

Freddy: I tell you all, that when injustice is around, no one can hid from our thunderous fury. Like a lightning bolt, we swiftly dispense justice and hope wherever we go. Ladies and gentlemen, the Lightning League is here to save you all!

As he finished his speech, Freddy began to play an upbeat song over the speakers. People inside their homes heard the music, noting its powerful beat. They looked out their windows up to the sky. The people of Philadelphia smiled and were filled with hope as five hometown heroes flew through the air towards the dark tower. 

The team all flew threw the air to confront the challenge ahead. Freddy was in the middle and led the charge. On the ground, five members of the Justice League stepped out to confront their opponents. They were led by the Bat who was now wearing a suit of mechanical armor.

The two teams met on the dried battlefield. They stared down each other, the Shazam family hovering in the air. Then the family charged. The two teams rushed towards one another, colliding in the middle. The family used their strength to separate the League, pushing each member to a different part of the battlefield and fighting them individually.

Mary and Darla teamed up against Wonder Woman. They both laid down a set of punches on her, pushing her back. They both backed up as Diana swung her sword. Mary threw in another punch, clanging against the warrior's shield. 

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