Monster dump

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2nd POV:

You walk off the school bus along with your class as you arrive at the field trip destination. "Ah the annual freshman field trip to Mt Chuck" Mrs Driscoll sighs. "The world's only man made volcano" she voices her skeleton husband next to her. "Of course we won't actually be going up the volcano; that's for hooligans, dare devils and Tom foolers" she informs the class. "We'll be heading to the informative and school board approved Museum Of Silt".

All the students groan in annoyance, including you. "Now before we go in I just want to say one thing" Mrs Driscoll then says. "Every year some numbskull tries to sneak up the volcano to spit in it" she informs. "Which is why we're using the buddy system, if you stray more than five feet from your buddy you both get a month's detention". You and most of the other students groan again. Much to your disliking; you were partnered with Howard Weinerman.

~Time skip~

Your POV:

I sat and watched the educational film about Mt Chuck. Howard was next to me and sleeping on Flute girl's shoulder, much to her discomfort. But then I see my Nomicon glowing in my bag and I begin to panic. I can't just bring out and open it for everyone to see. But if I leave it glowing in my bag someone might notice it.

My only other option was to sneak out, but that wouldn't be easy as I am sitting in the front row and it would be breaking the buddy system. But nevertheless the room was dark, Howard was asleep and Mrs Driscoll and the rest of the students were all starring at the screen. This could give me enough advantages.

Using my Ninja skills, I was able to sneak out without being noticed. I then quickly made my way to the girl's bathroom where I shloomped inside my Nomicon. I feel myself falling before landing on my feet on a small platform. In front of me these words appeared:


"Thank you for making me sneak away from my class and break the rules just so you could tell me this" I say sarcastically. The Nomicon then shloomps me out and I head back to the cinema room.
But when I get back I see everyone is already exiting the room. I then see Howard who is looking around frantically. "Mr Weinerman! Where is your partner?" Mrs Driscoll demands. "I'm right here!" I say as I appear next to Howard. "Oh... er, okay then" shrugs before walking off.

Howard then turns to me looking annoyed. "Where were you?" he asks. "What do you mean, I was here the whole time" I tell him. "No you weren't! When I woke up you were gone" he remarks. "Okay fine, I snuck out" I admit. Howard then gasps dramatically. "You broke the five foot rule!" he criticises. "Howard it's fine, Mrs Driscoll didn't even see" I reassure.

"Well I can't forgive you until you promise me you won't break the five foot rule again" he tells me. "Seriously?!" I say. "Seriously!" he affirms. "Ugh, okay I promise" I scoff. "Good" he then smirks before running off.
"Howard what are you doing?" I exclaim. "Come on McFist jr, you promised you wouldn't break the five foot rule again" Howard taunts. I roll my eyes before following him. But when I reach him he runs off again.

"Okay haha, very funny Howard" I laugh sarcastically. He does it again once I reach him. "You're being very mature right now" I sarcastically laugh again.

~Small time skip~

"Okay Howard I'm being serious now, cut it out!!"

What had started out as only slightly amusing was now being to seriously tick me off. Howard made me follow him all the way up the volcano. No matter how many times I told him to stop he wouldn't listen.

RC9GN x Ninja readerWhere stories live. Discover now