Viva El Nomicon

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2nd POV:

You and the Ninja were currently being charged by a giant robotic snake with bat wings. "It is our duty as the Ninjas to warn you that we are currently in the zone and have been for about a week" The Ninja warns it. It only roars at you both in response. "Don't believe us okay, let me tell you about Monday" The Ninja smirks.


You and the Ninja were fighting a one eyed robot in the cafeteria. The Ninja then knocks out its eye and you kick it in the chest. This is enough to make the robot crash to the ground. You and the Ninja stood proudly over the defeated robot and did your usual ninja high five. "That was awesome!" Howard cheers. "Ninjas you are both in the zone" he praises.

You and the Ninja were fighting and large robot frog on the school wall. The Ninja distracted it while you snuck below it and cut out its power panel. "Slice knowing ya" you smirk as it slides down the wall and crashes on the ground. "What do ya know, we are in the zone" the Ninja smiles. "You bet we are" you agree.

You and the Ninja were in the hall way facing off three spider-like robots. You give each other a nod of determination before throwing each of your rings destroying all of them. "ZONE!" you both cheer as you high five.

~present time~

The snake robot then roars at you both again. "Wednesday? Yeah nothing really happened Wednesday" The Ninja tells it. You knew that was because your Dad took his whole company to Whoopie World.
"The point is, US zone! YOU don't want to do this" he tells the robot. It roars again before going to attack you both. "I guess we're doing this" you say as you both dodge its attacks. "I guess we are" The Ninja agrees.

It then slithers towards you both on the ground. The Ninja then uses his sword to stab the back of its tail holding it in place. Then you use your sword to cut its head off.
"Told ya, zone!" The Ninja says in a sing-song voice before you both deliver the final blow and punch its eyes out.

Time skip

Being in the zone has put you in a good mood all week. So much that you didn't mind having to be partnered up for your Spanish project. Usually you'd insist to work alone since usually everyone would just beg to do the project at your house. So when you were forced to work with a Debbie Kang you didn't really mind. She agreed to do the project at school instead of at each other's houses. As long as the project was about the Mexican Death Bear.

You were collecting the notes from your locker when you notice Bash and his crew facing down Randy Cunningham. Feeling your good mood fuelling your confidence you stood in between Bash and Randy. "Leave him alone Bash!" you glare at your step-brother. "Oh yeah, what are you gonna do!?" Bash taunts. "Hey look, it's that guy!" Randy suddenly points out. "That guy, I hate that guy! Get that guy!" Bash yells as they turn around and chase no one in particular.

"Hey thanks for sticking up for me (y/n)" Randy smiles. "Meh, don't mention it" you shrug. Suddenly your Nomicon starts glowing in your bag. "Well er; I have to get to class" you quickly excuse yourself.
You quickly made your way to the girls bathroom where you pulled out your Nomicon and shloomped inside.

You feel yourself falling before you land in some kind of library. Then one of the books flys off the shelf and into your hands. The book opens itself and these words appear:

The only knowledge that a Spirit Ninja can possess is the knowledge that she possesses no knowledge

"Are you saying that I'm stupid!" you yell. Suddenly you get shloomped back out. "You know what, who cares what you say Nomicon! I'm in the zone and I'm doing fine; I don't need your criticism" you shove the Nomicon back into your bag and head to Spanish class.

Your POV:

After class

I happily walk out of class with the A me and Debbie Kang had gotten on our project. "Man being in the zone rocks" I thought to myself. Suddenly I hear a loud crash and a roar coming from one of the hallways. I run to where I had came from and I see the robot snake from last time. "This guy again!?" I thought to myself.
Why would my Dad and Viceroy send the same robot that me and the Ninja easily beat?

But I didn't have time to think about that. I quickly find a hiding place and tie on my mask and turn into the Spirit Ninja. When I reappear I see the snake robot has a grip on Bucky. "Put him down snakey!" I shout at it. But then it throws Bucky in the air and swallows him whole. "I meant on the ground not in your stomach!" I exclaim.
Just then the Ninja appears and throws a sword at it pinning one of its wings to the roof. "Horck up the band geek!" he demands. The snake robot pulls its wing free and glares at us. "Yeah, he said it" I glare back at it.

It then roars blowing us backwards. "Ninja horcking ball!" the Ninja then throws a golden ball at its stomach and it horcks Bucky back up.  "Wow, thanks Ninjas" Bucky says in a weak voice as crawls away covered in slime. "Should we defeat this guy the same way we did last time?" I ask. "I get the tail, you chop off its head" the Ninja confirms.
The Ninja then grabs its tail with his scarf and pulls it back. Then I charge up to it and slice off its head. Once that is over me and the Ninja happily turn to each other. "Ninja fi-"

We get cut off when a familiar creature appears out of the snakes body. "MEXICAN DEATH BEAR!" we yell in shock. Suddenly we get swatted by its paw and crash into a locker. "Viceroy must have seen me working on my project for Spanish and got this idea" I thought to myself.
We then continue to get beat up by the death bear. "Come on (y/n) think! You did your whole report on Mexican death bear" I tell myself. I try to rattle my brain but non of my knowledge was good enough to help us defeat it. All my research was on the environment that the death bear lives in. Its strengths and weaknesses were all presented by Debbie Kang.

"DEBBIE KANG!!" I then realise. I then make my way over to the Ninja. "Ninja I have an idea!" I tell him. "So there's this girl named Debbie Kang and I hear she knows a lot about Mexican Death Bears" I explain. "She could know how to defeat this thing!" he realises. The Death Bear then goes to attack us again but we dodge and it knocks over a trash can that Howard was hiding in. "You there random student! We need you find Debbie Kang for us" the Ninja tells him. Howard nods understandably before running off. "And hurry!" he calls to him before the bear goes to attack us again.

Small time skip

A little while after fighting the Mexican Death Bear Debbie Kang finally appears. "SOO CUTE!" she squeals as she runs towards it. I quickly pull her back with my scarf. "Whoa, be careful! That is a very dangerous death bear with a snake bottom you are running at" I warn her. "I just love him so much!" she squeals.
"Yeah good for you, now how do we kill it?" I ask. She then starts tearing up. "No, no, not so much as kill more like make him stop hitting us" the Ninja tells her. She then reveals that all we need to do is rub its tummy counter clockwise and it will go to sleep.

We then somehow are able to tackle it and start rubbing its belly but nothing happens. "Debbie any thoughts, we're rubbing counter clockwise!" the Ninja asks her. "Your other counter clockwise" she tells us. We then start rubbing its belly the other way and it starts to fall asleep.

Time skip (at McFist mansion)

I placed (r/n) back in his/her hutch before pulling out the Spirit Nomicon. "Hey so listen, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier today. You were right, the only knowledge I possess is that I have no knowledge" I admit. Suddenly the Nomicon opens up and shloomps me inside.

As I fall I am surrounded by a bunch of images of spirits and female ninjas. I then feel myself floating through a mountain range with waterfalls. I watch a phoenix fly past me until I start floating into a forest. I then see a Kitsune darting through the trees. The forests then disappears and reveals a meadow with a willow tree in the middle. The leaves from the tree danced in the wind and one of them touched my forehead. "When she realises she knows nothing, the Spirit Ninja is ready to lean everything".

I then get shloomped back out and take a second to process what I just saw. "So you'll keep teaching me?" I ask. The Nomicon softly glows as if it were saying "yes". I hug the Nomicon tight to my chest as to say thank you.

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