Silent punch deadly

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Your POV:

"Dad do I have to go to the Christmas party this year?!" I groan. "Yes princess, my entire empire is going to be there, so obviously I need my heir there as well" he says through the phone. "Alright dad, I'll see you tonight" I sigh as I hung up.

Suddenly, Flute girl runs past me screaming and I quickly move out the way before I am run over by the stanked Bucky chasing her. "Seriously, 42 minutes till winter break and this happens" I sigh before finding a hidden place to suit up.

Just as Bucky corners Flute girl, me and the Ninja smoke bomb in behind them. "Okay Bucky, time for a little ditty I call hark the heril Ninja Rings!" the Ninja exclaims. He then throws his Ninja rings but Bucky dodges.
He then roars at us and we jump onto the vending machine to avoid him. "Spirit Ninja, grab as many wreaths as you can!" he tells me. I nod, understanding the plan. We then jump from wall to wall grabbing the wreaths. "Ninja wreath wrap!" the Ninja yells as we throw them at Bucky.

Bucky then gets trapped in all the wreaths and drops the sheet music he was holding. The Ninja then uses his sword to slice to sheds. The stank releases and Bucky turns back to normal. "W-what happened?!" Bucky looks around confused. Flute girl then angrily stomps up to him. "Did you like the song?" he asks her. "Bucky!" she growls. "Just say yes" I whispers to her, try to de-escalate the situation. "Er, yes" she answers to which Bucky sighs happily.

The crowd then starts cheering for us and the Ninja turns to me. "Ninja five!" we yell as we high five. "Have a merry winter break!" he then waves to the crowd. "And a happy new-smoke bomb!" he then goes to throw down a smoke bomb but nothing happens. There was an awkward silence for a moment. "Smoke bomb?" he try's again but still nothing.
I look at him confused and he looks back at me as if to say 'please help'. I then throw down one of my smoke bombs and we both disappear.

Time skip (at McFist's Christmas party)

Time skip (at McFist's Christmas party)

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(A/n: this is your outfit btw)

I watch as the little robot elves decorate the large tree that was lifted in by the air ship. "It doesn't smell very festive" my dad complains. Mari then pushes a button which makes it light up. "Ugh, that tree smells just like my smoke bombs!" I quietly gag.

As I turn to walk away I accidentally bump into someone. I was about to apologise until I saw who I had just bumped into. "Howard!?" I gasp in shock. "Oh er, hey McFist jr" he nervously chuckles. "What are you doing here?!" I exclaim. "Well you see, your dad's company bought my dad's company" he explains. "Oh...okay" I calm down. "Yeah, and can you do me a favour and not tell Cunningham about this" Howard says. "Why?" I ask. "Just cause I haven't told him yet" he replies.

"Why haven't you told him?"

"Because I didn't want him to freak out"

"Why would he freak out?"

"Err..." Howard trails off nervously. "Oh hey look the buffet!" he then runs off. I watch him leave confused, but I just shrug it off.

Small time skip

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