Fake friends

249 5 7

(R/n)= rabbit's name
(R/f/c)= rabbit fur colour

"Please Daddy, please Daddy, please!" I beg while practically lying on the kitchen table. "Sorry pumpkin, but no can do" my dad sighs. "I had your new McPhone made ahead of schedule for your birthday, the rest of them aren't ready yet" he tells me.

"But my friends are expecting me to get them the new McPhone brand before it gets released" I whine. "Well even so, they'll have to wait a couple of months before we can release anything early" Dad says before leaving the room.

I then slide off the table in a slump, but luckily I have an ultimate secret weapon for when stuff like this happens.

"And don't even think about going to Viceroy because I said no!"

Welp never mind.

Just then my new McPhone it's self started ringing. I look at the caller ID and see it's one of my best friends. "Hey girl!" I smile as I answer the phone. "Hey, soo... we're all going to the mall in about 30 minutes and we want you to pick us all up in your limo" she tells me. "Sure I'll be there" I reply happily. "Great! You know all our addresses, and don't be late" she said the last part seriously before hanging up.

Well I guess I better go and track down Dad again so he can arrange a limo for me.

Time skip

"I thought I told you not to be late" Brooke huffs annoyed as she gets in the limo. "And why did you pick those two up before me?!" she complains as soon as she sees Lauren and Demi who are also in the limo.

(A/n: If these are any of your names you can change it)

"Well there was traffic and these two live closer to my place" I explain. "Whatever" Brooke rolls her eyes. "So when are we gonna get our new McPhones?" Lauren then asks me. All three of them turn to me with hopeful and expecting faces.

"Sorry guys, but my Dad says that none of the new McPhone's are ready to be released yet" I sigh. Their faces then turn into a mixture of disappointment and anger. "But you got your McPhone early, so why can't three more just be made early" Demi scoffs.
"Mine was especially pre made for my birthday last week" I remind her. "I can still get you the phone's before they are released" they look at me all hopeful again. "But you all will have to wait for a few months" their faces fell again.

"A few months!" Brooke exclaims. "We told everyone that we would be getting the new McPhone soon!". "I know, and I'm sorry" I apologise. I feel really bad letting my best friends down. And although it wasn't clear, I swear I heard Brooke mumble

"You're such a disappointment!"

Time skip

After that the rest of the journey to the mall was awkward and dense. Even when we got to the mall their moods still hadn't changed. I tried to cheer them by paying for everything we bought. None of them protested about this, they actually said that I should pay anyway since I broke my promise.

I don't remember ever actually promising to get them the new McPhones. They just saw that I got one for my birthday and started requesting that I get them all one. I said I would see what I could do, and obviously I tried get them their new phones but it just wasn't possible. At least not yet.

But obviously I want to make them happy, they're my best friends and I'll do anything for them. Just like I know they'll do anything for me, right?

I quickly excuse myself to the bathroom while they were looking at new sunglasses. When I came back I saw them waiting for me, but they hadn't seen me yet so I decided to scare them.

I crept around the corner quietly while I hear them laughing to themselves. "She really is useless isn't she?" I hear Brooke laugh. This made me pause for a second. Who were they talking about?

"Is there even a point of her being here?" Lauren then asks. They were taking about someone here at the mall, but who?
"Yeah, the whole reason we invited her was because we wanted those McPhones" Demi scoffs.

My breath hitched in my throat, were they talking about me? No, no, they couldn't be! They're my best friends, they wouldn't be talking about me.
"Should we just ditch her?" Demi suggests. "We can't, she's the one paying for everything, plus she's our ride home" Brooke replies. "Yeah Demi, do you want us to lose our limo privileges?" Lauren remarks. "Well sOOry for trying to make this trip fun" Demi shoots back. "Girls, girls, relax! She'll give us what we want eventually, she always does" Brooke tells them.

My whole body felt numb, I can't believe they're saying all this horrible stuff. I know they're disappointed about the McPhones but really!

"Let's hope so, the main reason we're the most popular girls in the 6th grade is because of her" Lauren points out. "Exactly, and as long as we're friends with her, she's continue to give us free McFist stuff" Brooke confirms.

Just like that, the world around me felt hazy; the only thing I could feel was my heart breaking after she said that. The only reason they were friends with me is because my father is rich and I'm able to get them free stuff before it's even released.
All this time how could I have been so blind. Whenever we go somewhere they always make me take them in a limo. They always try and manipulate me into getting the new McFist products before it's even released.

"Seriously what's taking her so long" Brooke complains. "That's it, I'm going in there and-" she cut her self off when she turned the corner and saw me standing there. "Brooke, what are you-" Lauren and Demi came into view and immediately fell silent when they saw me. It was clear to them by the ghostly look on my face, I had heard everything.

"(Y/n)!" Brooke then cheers, trying to hide her nervousness. "How long have you been standing there?" she asks cautiously. Just then my shock and despair was replaced with anger.

"Long enough" I spat while glaring at them. The background noises of the busy mall filled the dense silence between us. "I think you three can find your own way to get back home" I say before turning on my heals and walking away.
"(Y/n) where are you going?!" Brooke calls after me. "I'm going home, don't call me, don't text me, don't even speak to me at school tomorrow or ever again!" was the last thing I said to them.

Time skip

As soon as I made it home I charged up to my bedroom and slammed my door shut. That's when I finally let the tears that I had been holding in fall down my face.
I ignore my phone that's buzzing in my pocket, whether it was them or not, I didn't care.

I then walk toward the rabbit hutch where my pet rabbit (r/n) is. Yes I have a pet rabbit, I got (her/him) from my birthday last year.
I opened the hutch door and (she/he) immediately hopped into my arms. I cuddled (her/him) closely to my chest as gentle tears fell onto (her/his) (r/f/c) fur.

I then walk over to my desk and use on hand to pick up a photo frame while my other hand held (r/n). The photo was of me, Brooke, Demi and Lauren all together, and on the frame it said, "BFF's FOREVER"

"Tsk, well that wasn't true" I sneer before tossing it into the bin. I then lay down on my bed while still cuddling (r/n). "They were just using me like a credit card" I tell (r/n).
My phone then starts buzzing again and this time I look at it. Apparently my now ex besties had spread the word that we're no longer friends. My school mates are now all blowing up my social media, asking me if I want to be friends with them instead.

However this time I was not going to be blind. These are the exact same kids from school that are always asking me about the new or upcoming McFist products. Obviously they just want to be friends with me for the exact same reason as Brooke, Lauren and Demi did.

"You know what (r/n)" I say bitterly as I toss my phone onto my pillow. "I don't need friends, I have you, dad, Marci and Uncle Viceroy" I state. "And that's all I'll ever need!"

(A/n: you call Viceroy uncle whenever McFist isn't around)

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