30 seconds to maths

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2nd POV:

You were currently sat at a table outside of school doing your maths homework. You had your earphones in listening to your favourite song. Without even realising it you start singing along, forgetting about your surroundings.
But unbeknownst to you Howard Weinerman started walking by. He was mad about Cunningham ditching him to be the Ninja. But he stops in his tracks when he hears your singing voice.

"No way, McFist jr can sing!?" he gasps when he sees you. "This is perfect!" he exclaims before running up to you. Just as your song had finished Howard reaches your table.

It took you by surprise to see Howard beside you. "What do you want Howard?" you ask while removing your earphones. "Why did you never tell me you could sing?" he asks you.
It then hit you that you had just been singing out loud. You felt embarrassed but try to cover it up. "B-because that's none of your business" you stutter. "Come on McFist jr, your singing is the cheese!" Howard compliments.

You shuffle away from him and try to focus on your homework. "You should totally enter the battle of the bands" he then suggests. You open your mouth to speak but Howard then cuts you off. "But what's that! You don't have a band to enter with?".
"Well lucky for you my band has an opening; since Cunningham did a UNNS on me" Howard mumbles the last part. "UNNS?" you say confused. "Doesn't matter, the point is with your bruce voice and my sick beats we can totally win!" he tells you.

"Hmm not interested" you reply. "Come on McFist jr please!" Howard begs on his knees. "I said no Howard" you say sternly while packing up your things. "(Y/n) please, I-I'll do anything!" Howard pleads. "How about you leave me alone forever" you scoff as you begin to leave.


You stopped in your tracks when you hear him say that. "What?!" you turn back around to face him. "You do this for me and I swear on my beats that I will leave you alone forever" he tells you.

You thought for a moment. You didn't really want to enter the battle of the bands but you also liked the idea of Howard never bothering you again. "How do I know you will keep that promise?" you then ask. "When I make a beat oath I don't break it, unlike Cunningham" he growls the last part.

You search for any trace of a lie but found none. "So just to recap, if I enter in the battle of the bands with you, you'll leave me alone for good?" you inquire.
He then holds out his electronic drums and places one hand on top of them. "McFist jr, I swear on my beats that IF you do this I will leave you alone forever" Howard says in a serious tone before looking up at you with hopeful eyes.

"Ugh fine!" you caved in. "WOOHOO!" Howard jumps up in the air.

~Time skip~

You spent the rest of the day rehearsing with Howard until the time of the battle of the bands. Just as you both arrive you felt your Nomicon vibrating in your bag. "Hey Howard I have to go to the bathroom quickly" you excuse yourself. "Hurry back McFist jr!" he calls out to you.

As soon as you reach the bathroom you shloomp inside your Nomicon. You felt yourself falling until an enormous phoenix flew by and grabs you in its talons. It continues to fly with you in its grasp but then it paused and these words appeared in front of it:

Friendship is a weight a Spirit Ninja cannot carry

"Don't worry Nomicon, me and Howard aren't friends. I'm just doing this one favour for him so he will leave me alone for good" you reassure. The phoenix then flys off with you towards a bright light and the next thing you knew, you were back in the bathroom.

Your POV:

I head backstage to meet up with Howard and I then see him with Randy. "Oh hey (y/n), what are you doing here?" Randy greets me when I walk up to them. "Oh hey McFist jr, Cunningham and I sorted things out now he's back in the band" Howard tells me. "Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, McFist jr is in our band now" he then tells Randy. "What!" Randy exclaims. "It's just a one time thing" I clarify. "Howard promised that if I did this he'd leave me alone for good and I assume this will also go for you" I glare at him. "Err s-sure" he replies nervously.

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