Gossip boy

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2nd POV:

You sat down at one of the cafeteria tables and brought out your packed lunch from your bag. You decided that from now on you were going to bring your own lunches to school.


Well, you and the Ninja had recently been running in to what you both call: The Discussing Shnasty Zone!


You and the Ninja were chasing the stank through the vents when suddenly you both spot something.
Through one of the vent openings you could both see a janitor scraping gum of the tables. But then he takes the gum and starts chewing on it and when he blows a bubble you could both see a bug inside of it.

"Discussing!" you say while trying not to barf. "Shnasty!" the Ninja gags along with you.

You and the Ninja were chasing a one of your father's robo apes down the hallway after school. But then the three of you stop when you see something around the corner. It was the principal who was wearing nothing but a dipper, a cowboy hat and cowboy boots doing a cowboy dance.

"Discussing!" you exclaim as you cover your eyes. "Shnasty!" the Ninja agrees.

You and the Ninja were chasing another robo ape outside the school. But then the robo ape comes to a stop and looks through one of the windows and you two do the same.
You then see in the cafeteria one of the lunch ladies take a piece of roadkill and grind it up into a bowl.

"DISGUSTING!" you yell. "Shnasty!" the Ninja shivers. The robo ape then throws up and Ninja pats his back. "That's it, I'm bringing my own meals to school from now on!" you vowel.

~Present time~

You stayed true to your words; no way are you trusting the cafeteria food now.

Just then you hear the whole cafeteria being to slow clap. You then see that they are all slow clapping at Howard and Randy. Apparently from what you've heard Howard shared some really interesting gossip on Heidi's me-cast. You didn't watch that episode but whatever he said was now making him and Randy well liked.

They then take a seat close to your table and Heidi suddenly appears and starts another live me-cast. "It's the Deep Dish with Howard Double Dip Weinerman!" she announces. "So Howard, everyone dying to know what juicy gossip you've got, let's hear it" she says.

You watch and listen in from your table. You were rather intrigued about this gossip thing. Howard didn't say anything for a moment and looked at the camera nervously. "Don't embarrass me Double Dip! You must know one thing nobody else knows, one thing you're not supposed to tell anyone" Heidi pressures him.

"I know who the Ninja is!" Howard then blurts out.

You choke on the homemade sandwich you were eating. "You know who the Ninja is!" Heidi gasps. "Yes, yes I do so... if you want the deep dish you'll have to tune in tomorrow, Double Dip!" he declares before turning off the camera.

As soon as you stop choking on your sandwich, you grab your bag and run to the girls bathroom. As soon as you sit down in one of the stalls you pull out your Nomicon.
"Nomicon, I don't know if Howard actually knows the Ninja's identity or not; but either way this is bad!" you exclaim. "What should I do?" you ask before opening it up and getting shloomped inside.

You feel yourself falling but then you gracefully land in a chair in some kind of room. In front of you these words appeared:


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